Welcome to the official Temporal Disjuncture homepage!!!!!!! Please disregard the Canadian Heavy Metal listing. We actually play Hindu hymms. We are stationed in the Seattle area. The darkest of the paths of the Metal Genre is Black Metal (who wrote this shit anyway?), we have chosen this path for its mystery and possible homosexual exploration. Our influences are The Spice Girls, Boy George, Hanson, Gallagher and The Bonney Lake Travelling Gospel Show(pretty diverse!). We hope to send out demos soon, we have several songs. Some of our songs include My Little Dick, Information, Pale Spoogation, General Genitalia, Caged and Bound. In a while, we will put up some sound clips and can probably email people song demos, if we can figure out how. We are also looking for cover songs people want to hear. We like to do each other, animals, and our parents and stuff like that. If you have any suggestions or requests or complaints, feel absolutely free to email us at the below address.
----Danny Blum-Guitar and vocals, Danny contributes largely to the dick sucking process. Axe-Peavey Predator, Amplification-Peavey Bandit 112.
----Bunney Brunnel-bass guitar and deep throating, Bunny also contributes to the sheep desecrating process. Axe-Arbor Stilleto, Amplification-350w Acoustic 230, Effects-Danny's Big Muff.
----Matt Crandall-deceased
----Sir Horzekok-manager and local pimp.
L.Ron Hubbard-(a.k.a. "Belt") beats on tight cow skin and occasionally Bunney's tight skin.
We all use assorted acoustic guitars that double as large dildos for our well-laid anul passages.
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This page is a tribute to the master, the late Cliff Burton.
Badass basses!!!!
Danny's favorite shop 'n' go
Su liame tsum uoy ssadab era sgnos ruo latem rewop kcalb kcap erd rd tsinummoc a si ynnad dniheb raf era sdnim deduolc. Susnecnoc a dehcaer evah ew.
© 1997 amwj@msn.com