______So you have stumbled upon my humble domain (that desperately needs updated...as always) Great, glad to have ya. A lot of new crap has happened, lets see, I got a new phat ass job, that pays almost enough to keep me in the lifestyle I like, haha (we build radios, airbags, etc....guess where?!!) Lots of cool new friends there (props to ya all...) and Delco also pays for my college now. So I will be back in college here this fall. Currently I am taking some classes for a toolmaker apprenticeship there. I don't work at the tanning salon anymore, I bought my own damn bed! :) Still shopping, still living.
I also posted a few new pics, whee. This page is totally useless if you do not already know me. Well... it's still interesting! To those of you who do usually stop by, thanks, ya keep the counter rackin'! Just browse around, if you feel the need, drop me a line. If you are worth messin' with you will get a response. If not, sucks to be you!!! Also sign the guestbook and leave your mark. there are lots of pages but they need updated badly, there is a page on me, my friends, my pets, my car..blah blah blah....So have fun and enjoy!!!
just remember, I can see you........
My Friends Page
a few pics of shadowcat's good 'ol buds...
My Pets Page
some pics of shadowcat's critters...(needs updated)
My All 'Bout Shadowcat Page
all about me, well, kinda. I mean, i don't want u to know EVERYTHING...hehe...(needs updated)
My Car I Own
Info and pics on the WS6 I hold so dear...
Friends and family's links
Links to my friends and family's pages...
These HTML pages designed and created by Shadowcat
My Logos, graphics and content are Copyright ©1995-99 by ME!
All others are Copyright by whoever owns them