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dam ranicz's Home Page

I have divided my old homepage up into several, more accessible parts. I also completely re-edited them to best serve your interest, as well as to reflect the newest information. This goes mostly for many of my new projects that I got involved in this year.

About me Read my life-story, or at least a shortened version of it.
My Friends Go and check out who my friends are. Contact information is also included.
My Programs and Projects See what I did in college with some faculty members, or by myself.
Things that I like to do Check out what I like to do in my spare time, if I have any. Actually I do a lot more, but those are not very productive, if you know what I mean.
My favourite bands If you are interested in the same kind of music as me, you will find this page pretty interesting.
My TAB files I like to play guitar, and here you can find some of my own songs in a tablature form.
GAE Information Exchange If you need any information about my courses, programs, projects, or whatever you might have on your mind about me, you have a good chance of finding it here.
Downloads Download all kinds of (usually programming related) material.
Szabadszaju magyaroknak This page is dedicated to all of you who speak Hungarian.
My favourite links Visit some places I found interesting. There are quite a few of Hungary-related links, and also some for studying abroad if you are interested.
My Swedish Pages If you are interested in going to Sweden as an exchange student, you will find these pages very valuable, because I am sharing my experiences as an exchange student to Sweden with you.

If you would like to view this page in its old format, without any pictures, follow this link. Or you can follow this link to my old page with the pictures.

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Or you can email me at home in Hungary:

Last edited: 12th November, 1997

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