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Upcoming WLUW Events

August 2
WLUW Record Fair at 2156 W. Fulton (Fulton & Leavitt)
August 10
Live and Kickin' Bluegrass Show Fundraiser at Montrose Saloon (2933 W. Montrose)

(totally sweet title graphic will soon fill this space)

The WLUW web site was last updated on August 1, 2003. (see what)

Latest News

July 15, 2003
Changes to WLUW Record Fair
    The location of the upcoming WLUW Record Fair has been changed from the Abbey Pub to the warehouse space at 2156 W. Fulton (Fulton & Leavitt). This will provide almost four times as much space. The fair has also been reduced from two days to just one, Saturday August 2 from 10 am to 10 pm. All scheduled events will still take place, but they will be condensed into one day. For more information check the fair's web site.

July 14, 2003
Live and Kickin' Bluegrass Show Fundraiser
    On Sunday, August 10, the Montrose Saloon (2933 W. Montrose) will play host to a WLUW benefit put on by the Live & Kickin Bluegrass show (first Saturday of the month, 10am-noon). The family-friendly event will run all day long, from 2-8 PM, and feature bluegrass, country, folk, Americana, and jazz acts. There is a beer garden, and food will be available too, in a grassy, picnic-like setting. Come on out for a great summer day, full of cool music, and the opportunity to support the ONLY station in Chicago where you can hear live bluegrass music -- WLUW!