Enter a realm ruled by the High Wizards, a kingdom of musical morbidity and darkness. Cruor is a beast that is constantly under construction by our deranged minds. Mortals of light heart beware...Xuthus, Atridiel, Shetait, Megiddo.
Cruor was last updated on March 4th, 2002
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Woman of Dark Desires
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The Official Reign of Terror Page
Xuth's death/grind band
Pyre - Antichrist Black Metal
Unholy USBM
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult
Old Site Destroyed by filthy Christians - New one partially up
The Unofficial Angelcorpse Page
New gods of death metal
Xuth's tribute to this enigmatic band
Unsilent Storms in the Cruor Abyss
Black and death metal Real Audio/WAVs
The High Wizards
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Visitors since January 20th, 1998 (plus approximately 5,000 before the "malfunction")
Summon:The High Wizards of Cruor
Sign the Book of Black Earth
View the Book of Black Earth

In memory of the great Malicious Records.
Fuck your lousy lifes, burn yourself