Welcome to the Official 8Pdan
(ayt-pee-dan) Home Page.
(WOW! Updated
January 5, 1998)
8Pdan is:
Alex (Guitar, vocals, trumpet)
Jordan (Guitar, vocals)
Aidan (Bass, vocals)
& Paul (Drums)
We are from Mississagua (and Brampton) Ontario.
Latest News:
(updated January 5, 1997)
January 5, 98
My computer is working again so I can start updating
once again! Ugh, just when I decided to start work on the page again, suddenly
my harddrive crashes!
I wouldn't count on a mailing list anytime soon,
that dream crashed with my computer, I'll probably try again around mid
I'll update the page again REALLY soon, hopefully
with an upcoming show...
November 13, 97
There is now a latest news section!
8Pdan just finished recording new
material for our next album and also for our joint venture with the band
Novacain. You can expect a 4 song 7" out featuring both bands shortly.
8Pdan has two more shows coming
up SOON! I will have more info shortly, but if you need it urgently, just
email me.
I will be adding a links section
(or page, haven't decided yet...), if you want yr page listed there (all
you gotta do is link back!), let me know.
There is now a guestbook,
so sign it (what else would you do?). It's at the bottom of the page.
If anyone wants to do graphics for
this page, email me! I'd love the help (just be mildly talented in photoshop
or something like that...).
Has been out for a while!
If you don't have a copy yet,
I wouldn't count on getting one. We have stopped making them... contact
8Pdan now at our email address if you REALLY REALLY WANT ONE paulb@octonline.com.
Supplies are very limited right now!
Just Like I promised! The first sound clip (RBX 2000) is
now HERE!
(real audio format [.ra] ) It is a .ra file (thanks
to Mr. Grimm), you need the real player
to run it. (I am also going to try to get some new UNRELEASED stuff
here but no promises). RBX 2000 is on Tri Flux Refrigerator. Enjoy.
I have also finished "Fitness" and I may put that up in a week or so.
Get the real audio player here.
Next Show:
Right now, this page is mostly just links to other incredible
bands. It will eventually include:
Click here
for a Sci-fi adventure which is a thrill-ride for the senses!!!!!
Click Here To Go to Sonic
Unyon, Record label of fine bands such as Tristan Psionic.
If you want to know more about (((8Pdan))) or would like
to be notified of page updates, Send Messages Here
(You will be answered)
Or contact us telepathically here.
This Page Will be Updated Constantly but not consistantly.
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