Welcome to the Official 8Pdan (ayt-pee-dan) Home Page. In Progress Pic
(WOW! Updated January 5, 1998)

8Pdan is:
We are from Mississagua (and Brampton) Ontario.

Latest News:
(updated January 5, 1997)
January 5, 98

 November 13, 97

Has been out for a while!

If you don't have a copy yet, I wouldn't count on getting one. We have stopped making them... contact 8Pdan now at our email address if you REALLY REALLY WANT ONE paulb@octonline.com. Supplies are very limited right now

 ONLY $3.00

Just Like I promised! The first sound clip (RBX 2000) is now HERE! (real audio format [.ra] ) It is a .ra file (thanks to Mr. Grimm), you need the real player to run it.  (I am also going to try to get some new UNRELEASED stuff here but no promises). RBX 2000 is on Tri Flux Refrigerator. Enjoy. I have also finished "Fitness" and I may put that up in a week or so.

Get the real audio player here.

Next Show:


Right now, this page is mostly just links to other incredible bands. It will eventually include:


Click here for a Sci-fi adventure which is a thrill-ride for the senses!!!!!

Tristan Header

Click Here To Go to Sonic Unyon, Record label of fine bands such as Tristan Psionic.

If you want to know more about (((8Pdan))) or would like to be notified of page updates, Send Messages Here

paulb@octonline.com (You will be answered)

Or contact us telepathically here.

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