
Bus Pass Cave

Home of Bus Pass Villain

"Jesus of Nazareth, shed your grace on this... Bus Pass Villain." -Whitey Sinclair, Chicago Tribune

The Players:

Lance "God" Ito: Lead Guitar and comic relief

Jack "The Jack" Christ: Bass/Vocalist/Lead Guitar, sometimes he's funny to look at...

Yag Yaj: Drum-boy, you can call him Rascacielos, he likes that.

Obo "Satan" Ildeo: Vocalist/Lead Guitar/Bass, the heavy in the band, unbending and always civic-minded.

For all of our MP3s, go to our page at MP3.com

We recorded our 10 song demo, "Red Crayon"
Read the lyrics and listen to it in RealAudio

Take a look at these pretty pics of people affiliated with BPV and all that IS Rock.

BPV Related Links

We have a song at The Foo Fighters Internet Archive's covers page, our version of "Oh, George" (streaming RealAudio)

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As if you cared to view it...

people have become hopelessly lost in the power of BPVillain.
