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Rockin With Dan

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My name is Dan Farnsworth, I am a sophomore at California State University Northridge. Northridge is a about 20 miles north of downtown Los Angeles.

I am an aspiring singer/songwriter/musician/actor. I have already appeared in many plays and sing at local clubs around town. I play the guitar, piano, and drums.

I have appeared in many school plays, "My Fair Lady", "Music Man", "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat", "Guys and Dolls", "See How They Run", "The Foreigner" and "Catch Me If You Can". Upon graduation from High School, I was awarded the "Wall of Fame" award which insures that my picture will hang on the wall of the theater for all time. It is a very prestigious honor.

I have known since I was about 5 years old that I wanted a career in the entertainment industry. I am working hard to achieve my goal.

Our local paper, "The Signal", came up with the title "The Teen Prince of Tunes" after one of their reporters saw me at a local club and did a feature story on me.

In January 1999, I was seen on "The Disney Channel's" show entitled "Oomba Makooba" which aired on Sunday evenings at 7:30 p.m.

Since entering college, I have discovered some new interests along with music and acting interests. I have been studying kineseology..or the study of body movements. I have been involved with umpiring baseball on a local level in little league and at the high school and college level. I think that I would like to pursue this at the professional level as well. Perhaps be the first singing umpire.

I would love to hear from anyone who might be able to give any advice or who can be of any help in furthering my career.

I have finally finished a 4 song cd that we have been working on for so long. It is not yet available for sale, but if you are a record producer and would like a demo, let me know at

If you would like to hear a sample of two of the songs, just click on the song title. The files take about 2 1/2 minutes to load with a 28.8 modem, so just be patient. These songs will be on the CD and are all original works. Let me know in the comments section below what you think. I would really like to hear your opinions.

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I am currently being featured at various clubs in Southern California, to find out where, check out my upcoming shows page by clicking on the button below. I have been performing since I was about 6 years old and I have known all my life that a career in the entertainment industry is all I have wanted to pursue.

I would love to hear from anyone who can help me to promote my cd or would be interested in purchasing it when it becomes available.

I am looking forward to hearing from all interested parties. And if you would like to know how to win one of my cool "Rockin" awards, just click on the little box below that says "My Award" and sign my guestbook so I can check out your site.

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So Long for Now and keep on Rockin'


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Check out my new book store where you can purchase books all about the music industry. Just click on the books below to start.

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I have just started my own "Young Entertainer's Web Ring". It is for all of us young aspiring show biz people. If you have dreams of being in the entertainment business, either in front of the audience or behind the scenes, join my ring and let's become friends. Just click on the words "Entertainer's Web Ring" below:

Entertainer's Web Ring

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Visit my other pages to learn more about myself, view my photo album (this page takes a little bit to load, but it's fun to see after waiting), see my credits and upcoming performances, web awards that I am proud to have received, and meet some of my friends on the web. If you would like to add a link on my friends page, just fill out the form below.


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