hey it's my pageNeW and it's been updated!

(last update: 08/06/2000)

awright check it: i've got a major facelift to do on this page so bear with me. more current info to come


music, motorcycles, and madness last update: 09-16-98

my Friends on the net

Cherry Lemonade!! a drink i invented

Music stuff - drums, bass, and didgeridoo! :)

Footsteps In The Sky well that's what i called it. A short story i wrote for family members who lost their second daughter during childbirth and this was an idea i had that helps explain it a bit...check it out and let me know what you think (use your browser's back button to return).

My Resumé

ICQ#: 1393324, AIM: riddmkidd

© 1998 12ball@shadowriders.org

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