Now The Journey Begins

Here We Go Again!!

This is the starting point for my own web tour. If you share my interest, come with me and have fun!

Links to other sites on the Web

Portal Site by Apple .mac
My Netscape MSN
Billboard Launch iMusic MTV
Classical Music Links New York Times Arts Page
Tower Records CD Universe
* Message of Love * I Will Remember *Almost Paradise
* Even Now * Stayin' Alive
* Lettre a France * This Guy's in Love with You * A Simple Song
Mostly Classic-J
Moviefone Movie Database New York Times Movie Page New Yorker Film File Movie Database-J
Contact Mission Impossible
Barnes & Noble New York Times Books Page
CNN Interactive CBS USA Today Los Angeles Times New York Times
* OnTV-J * Yahoo!TV-J
* Aye Carumba! * Good Grief! * You're the Boss!
Vector Mac Pack Version Tracker MacPage JP

Cyber Communities

GeoCities ICQ HoTMaiL ImageStation

Windows to the outer world

Radio Stations

© 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007