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Setlists and Reviews
Field recordings
Olof's Files
Bob Dates
Ballad of a Thin Man
04/04/2004  Washington DC     Warner Theater                   2 discs  Fine Wine Recording
04/03/2004  Washington DC     American Univ., Bender Arena     2 discs
04/02/2004  Washington DC     9:30 Club                        2 discs
03/31/2004  Philadelphia      The Trocadero                    2 discs  Mad Dog Remaster
03/30/2004  Phildelphia       The Electric Factory             2 discs
03/29/2004  Upper Darby, Pa   Tower Theater                    2 discs  
03/26/2004  Boston            Avalon                           2 discs
03/21/2004  Toronto           Kool Haus                        2 discs
03/20/2004  Toronto           Phoenix Concert Theatre          2 discs
03/19/2004  Toronto           Ricoh Coliseum                   2 discs
03/13/2004  Milwaukee         The Rave Eagles Ballroom         2 discs  JD Recording
03/12/2004  Milwaukee         The Rave Eagles Ballroom         2 discs  
03/07/2004  Chicago           Vic Theater                      2 discs
03/06/2004  Chicago           Rivera Theater                   2 discs
03/05/2004  Chicago           Aragon Ballroom                  2 discs
03/03/2004  St. Louis         The Pageant                      2 discs
03/02/2004  St. Louis         The Pageant                      2 discs
03/01/2004  St. Louis         The Pageant                      2 discs
02/11/2003  Brisbane          Brisbane Entertainment Center    2 discs
02/24/2003  Wellington        Queens Wharf Events Ctr. Theater 2 discs
04/18/2003  Dallas            Granada Theater                  2 discs
04/19/2003  Austin            The Backyard                     2 discs
04/25/2003  New Orleans       Jazz and Heritage Festival       2 discs
04/30/2003  Louisville, KY    Jillian's Parking Lot            2 discs
05/05/2003  Orlando           Hard Rock Live                   2 discs
05/09/2003  Atlantic City     Hilton Hotel Grand Theater       2 discs
05/11/2003  Solomons, MD      Calvert Marine Museum            2 discs
05/13/2003  Cary, NC          Regency Park                     2 discs
05/14/2003  Asheville, NC     Asheville Civic Center           2 discs
07/17/2003  West Valley City  USANA Amphitheater               2 discs
07/25/2003  Kelseyville       Konocti Harbor Resort            2 discs
07/30/2003  Tampa, Florida    St. Pete Times Forum             2 discs
08/02/2003  Joliet, Ill       Route 66 Raceway                 2 discs
08/03/2003  Somerset, Wis     Float Rite Amphitheater          2 discs
08/06/2003  Columbus, Ohio    Germain Amphitheater             2 discs
08/12/2003  NYC               Hammerstein Ballroom             2 discs
08/13/2003  NYC               Hammerstein Ballroom             2 discs
08/17/2003  Wallingford, CT   Career.com Oakdale Theater       2 discs
08/20/2003  NYC               Hammerstein Ballroom             2 discs
10/09/2003  Helsinki, Finland Hartwall Arena                   2 discs
10/15/2003  Goteborg          Scandinavium                     2 discs
10/17/2003  Hamburg, Germany  Docks                            2 discs
10/20/2003  Berlin, Germany   Berlin Arena                     2 discs
10/22/2003  Leipzig, Germany  Leipzig Arena                    2 discs
11/13/2003  Paris             Le Zenith                        2 discs
11/17/2003  Dublin            Point theater                    2 discs
11/23/2003  London            Sheperd's Bush                   2 discs
11/24/2003  London            Hammersmith Apollo               2 discs  Tyrus Recording
11/25/2003  London            Hammersmith Brixton              2 discs  Tyrus Recording

01/31/2002  Orlando, FL       TD Waterhouse Center             2 discs
02/01/2002  Sunrise, FL       National Car Rental Center       2 discs
02/08/2002  Winston-Salem, NC L Joel Vetrans Memorial Coliseum 2 discs
02/09/2002  Atlanta, Ga       Philips Arena                    2 discs  ALD Recording
02/13/2002  Greenville, SC    Bi-Lo Center                     2 discs
02/17/2002  New Orleans, LA   University of New Orleans        2 discs
04/05/2002  Stockholm         The Globe                        2 discs
04/15/2002  Frankfurt         Jahrhunderhalle                  2 discs
04/17/2002  Munich            Olympiahalle                     2 discs
04/21/2002  Zurich            Hallenstadion                    2 discs  Shubert
04/23/2002  Innsbruck         Olympiahalle                     2 discs
04/28/2002  Brussells         Forest National                  2 discs
05/04/2002  Brighton          Brighton Centre                  2 discs
05/10/2002  Birmingham        NEC Arena                        2 discs
08/02/2002  Worcester, MA     The Palladium                    2 discs
08/03/2002  Newport, RI       Folk Festival                    2 discs
08/04/2002  Augusta, Maine    Augusta Civic Center             2 discs
08/09/2002  Saint John        Harbour Station                  2 discs
08/15/2002  Hamburg, NY       Erie County Fair Grandstand      2 discs
08/18/2002  Baltimore, MD     Pimlico Race Track               2 discs
08/19/2002  South Hampton     LIU South Hampton College        2 discs  All For The Sea
08/21/2002  Omaha, Neb        Omaha Civic Auditorium           2 discs
10/04/2002  Seattle, WA       Seattle Center Key Arena         2 discs
10/05/2002  Eugene, OR        University of Oregon             2 discs
10/07/2002  Red Bluff, CA     Tehama County Fairgrounds        2 discs
10/08/2002  Sacramento, CA    Memorial Auditorium              2 discs
10/09/2002  Sacramento, CA    Memorial Auditorium              2 discs
10/11/2002  Berkeley, CA      The Greek Theater                2 discs
10/12/2002  Berkeley, CA      The Greek Theater                2 discs
10/16/2002  Los Angles, CA    The Wiltern Theater              2 discs  Poor
10/17/2002  Los Angles, CA    The Wiltern Theater              2 discs
10/19/2002  San Diego, CA     San Diego State University       2 discs
10/26/2002  Denver, CO        Pepsi Center                     2 discs
10/28/2002  Kansas City, MO   The Uptown Theater               2 discs
10/29/2002  Ames, Iowa        Iowa State University            2 discs
10/30/2002  St. Paul, MN      Excel Energy Center              2 discs
11/11/2002  New York City     Madison Square Garden            2 discs
11/13/2002  New York City     Madison Square Garden            2 discs
11/15/2002  Philadelphia, PA  First Union Center               2 discs 

Just a Song and Dance Man Various 1 disc

03/02/2001  Yokohama, Japan   Pacifico Yokohama                2 discs
03/04/2001  Tokyo, Japan      International Forum Hall A       2 discs
03/12/2001  Nagoya, Japan     Civic Assembly Hall              2 discs
03/20/2001  Adelaide          Adelaide Entertainment Centre    2 discs
04/25/2001  Cape Girardeau    Southeast Missouri State Univ.   2 discs
05/01/2001  Asheville, NC     Memorial Auditorium              2 discs
05/05/2001  Nashville, TN     Nashville River Stages 2001      2 discs
07/03/2001  Borgholm          Borgholms Slott                  2 discs
07/08/2001  Montreaux         Montreaux Jazz Festival          2 discs
07/15/2001  Kilkenny          Nowlan Park                      2 discs
07/28/2001  Taorima, Italy    Teatro Greco                     2 discs  Shubert
08/20/2001  Telluride, CO     Town  Park                       2 discs
10/06/2001  Seattle, WA       Seattle Center Key Arena         2 discs
10/10/2001  Sacramento, CA    Memorial Auditorium              2 discs
10/13/2001  San Francisco, CA Bill Graham Civic Auditorium     2 discs
10/17/2001  San Diego, CA     University California San Diego  2 discs
10/23/2001  Siuox City        Orpheum Theater                  2 discs
10/28/2001  Milwaukee, Wis    US Cellular Arena                2 discs
10/30/2001  Green Bay, Wis    Vetrans Memorial Arena           2 discs
11/02/2001  Terre Hautte, Ind Indiana State University         2 discs
11/06/2001  Grand Rapids      Van Andel Arena                  2 discs
11/15/2001  Washington, DC    MCI Center                       2 discs  Need Upgrade
11/17/2001  Philadelphia      First Union Spectrum             2 discs

03/10/2000  Anaheim, CA       Sun Theater (early)              1 disc
03/10/2000  Anaheim, CA       Sun Theater (late)               1 disc
03/14/2000  Visalia, CA       Visalia Convention Center        2 discs
03/15/2000  Santa Cruz, CA    Civic Auditorium                 2 discs
03/16/2000  Santa Cruz, CA    Civic Auditorium                 2 discs
03/17/2000  Reno, NV          Reno Hilton Theater              2 discs
03/20/2000  Nampa, Idaho      Idaho Center Arena               2 discs
03/21/2000  Pullman, WA       Washington State University      2 discs
03/25/2000  Billings, Mont    Shrine Auditorium                2 discs
04/03/2000  Cedar Rapids,IA   Five Seasons Center              2 discs
04/04/2000  Omaha, NB         Omaha Civic Center               2 discs
04/06/2000  Denver, CO        Fillmore Auditorium              2 discs
05/06/2000  Zurich            Hallenstadion                    2 discs
05/08/2000  Stuttgart         Hanns Martin Schleyerhalle       2 discs
05/12/2000  Hannover          Stadionsportshalle               2 discs
05/14/2000  Gothenburg        Scandanavium                     2 discs
06/15/2000  Portland, Or      Roseland Theater                 2 discs
06/16/2000  Portland OR       Portland Meadows                 2 discs
06/17/2000  George, WA        Gorge Amphitheatre               2 discs
06/20/2000  Medford, OR       Jackson County Expo Hall         2 discs
06/30/2000  Ventura, CA       Ventura County Fairgrounds       2 discs
07/01/2000  Del Mar, CA       Del-Mar Fairgrounds Grandstand   2 discs
07/07/2000  Bonner Springs    Sandstone Amphitheatre           2 discs
07/25/2000  Scranton, Pa      Coors Light Amphitheater         2 discs
07/30/2000  Stanhope, NJ      Waterloo Village                 2 discs
09/24/2000  Portsmouth        The Guildhall                    2 discs
10/01/2000  Munster           Halle Munsterland                2 discs
10/03/2000  Paris             The Zenith                       2 discs
10/29/2000  Madison, WS       University of Wisconsin          2 discs
11/01/2000  Bloomington, IN   Indiana University               2 discs
11/02/2000  West Lafayette    Elliot Hall of Music             2 discs
11/12/2000  Kingston, RI      University of Rhode Island       2 discs
11/19/2000  Towson, MD        Towson Center Arena              2 discs

02/15/1999  Grand Rapids, MI  Van Andel Arena                  2 discs  Honkey Tonk Blues
02/22/1999  Troy, NY          RPI Fieldhouse                   2 discs  The Lonely Graveyard of My Mind
02/25/1999  Portland, Maine   Cumberland County Civic Center   2 discs  Dressed Up Like a Squire
04/25/1999  Zurich            Hallenstadion                    2 discs  Master of Zurich
04/29/1999  Graz, Austria     Eishalle                         2 discs
04/30/1999  Vienna            Stadthalle                       2 discs 
06/07/1999  Denver, CO        McNichols Arena                  3 discs  With Paul Simon
06/11/1999  Vancouver, BC     General Motors Palace            2 discs
06/12/1999  Portland, OR      Rose Garden Arena                2 discs
06/14/1999  Eugene, OR        University of Oregon             2 discs
06/26/1999  Las Vegas         MGM Grand                        2 discs  Dylan Set Only
07/10/1999  Maryland Hgts. MS Riverport Amphitheater           2 discs
07/11/1999  Cinncinnati, OH   Bogart's                         2 discs
07/26/1999  New York, NY      Tramps                           2 discs
07/27/1999  New York, NY      Madison Square Garden            2 discs
09/05/1999  Charlotte, NC     Blockbuster Pavillion            2 discs  It's Alright Charlotte
11/03/1999  Columbus, Oh      Schottenstein Center             2 discs
11/08/1999  Baltimore, MD     Baltimore Arena                  2 discs
11/09/1999  Philadelphia, Pa  Temple University                2 discs
11/10/1999  New Haven, CT     Vetrans Memorial Coliseum        2 discs
11/11/1999  Augusta, Maine    Augusta Civic Center             2 discs  Everybody Knows I'm Here
11/15/1999  Ithaca            Barton Hall Cornell University   2 discs
11/17/1999  Durham, NH        Wittemore Center                 2 discs
11/18/1999  Amherst, Mass     Mullins Center  U. of Mass       2 discs
11/19/1999  Atlantic City, NJ Sands Casino, Copa Room          1 disc
Across the Borderline         Spring 1999                      2 discs

01/21/1998  NYC               Madison Square Garden            2 discs
03/30/1998  Miami Beach       The Cameo Theater                2 discs
05/21/1998  Los Angles, CA    UCLA Pauley Pavillion            2 discs  Sick Love
05/21/1998  Los Angles, CA    UCLA Pauley Pavillion            2 discs  California or Bust
06/06/1998  Malmo, Sweden     Brofastivalen                    1 disc   Shadows are Falling
06/11/1998  Koberhaven        Forum                            2 discs  I Have No One To Meet
06/12/1998  Hamburg, Germany  Stadtpark                        2 discs  Everything Looks Far Away
06/17/1998  Brussels          Forest National                  2 discs  May Your Song Always Be Sung
06/24/1998  Birmingham, UK    NEC Arena                        2 discs  Bette Davis Style
07/05/1998  Rome, Italy       La Scalinata                     2 discs
09/03/1998  Sydney, Australia Entertainment Centre             2 discs
09/25/1998  Concord, Ca       Concord Pavillion                2 discs
10/23/1998  Minneapolis, MN   Target Center                    2 discs  Eating Caviar I A King Size Bed
10/25/1998  Chicago           United Center                    2 discs
10/28/1998  Auburn Hills      The Palace                       2 discs

02/09/1997  Tokoyo            International Forum              2 discs  Holy Grail
02/17/1997  Osaka, Japan      Festival Hall                    2 discs
04/18/1997  Albany, NY        SUNY Albany                      2 discs
04/19/1997  Hartford, CT      University of Conn.              2 discs  The Wicked Messenger
04/13/1997  Wayne             Wm. Patterson College Rec. Ctr.  2 discs
04/24/1997  Utica, NY         Stanley Performing Arts Center   2 discs
04/29/1997  Bangor, Maine     Bangor Auditorium                2 discs
08/08/1997  Darien Ctr., NY   Darien Lake Performing Arts Ctr. 2 discs
08/12/1997  Scranton, PA      Montage Mountain                 2 discs
08/14/1997  Wallingford, CT   Oakdale Theater                  2 discs
08/31/1997  Kansas City, MO   Liberty Park                     2 discs
10/24/1997  Starkville, Miss  Humphrey Coliseum Miss St. Univ. 2 discs
11/01/1997  Asheville         Thomas Wolfe Memorial Auditorium 2 discs
11/12/1997  Milwaukee, Wis    Eagles Ballroom                  2 discs
12/01/1997  Atlanta, GA       The Roxy                         2 discs
12/04/1997  Washington DC     9:30 Club                        2 discs
12/05/1997  Washington DC     9:30 Club                        2 discs
12/08/1997  New York, NY      Irving Plaza                     2 discs  Tonight Ill Be Playing Here For You
12/09/1997  Boston, Mass      Avalon                           2 discs
12/17/1997  Los Angles, CA    The El Rey Theater               2 discs
12/19/1997  Los Angles, CA    The El Rey Theater               2 discs  Even After All These Years
12/20/1997  Los Angles, CA    The El Rey Theater               2 discs  Oh Babe, It Ain't No Lie
Bathed In A Stream of Pure Heat   Spring 1997                  2 discs
Tour Diary 1997                   Summer 1997                  2 discs

04/16/1996  Springfield, Mass Symphony Hall                    2 discs  Holy Grail
04/18/1996  Providence, RI    The Strand                       2 discs  Holy Grail
04/26/1996  Montreal          Verdun Auditorium                2 discs
05/04/1996  Richmond, VA      Fairground at Strawberry Hill    2 discs  Kudzu Remaster
05/08/1996  Columbus, OH      The Palace                       2 discs
05/18/1996  Burgettstown PA   Coca Cola Star Lake Amphitheater 2 discs
06/17/1996  Berlin            Tempodrome                       2 discs  Soul
06/24/1996  Diffedange        Hall Omnisport                   2 discs  You May Call Me Zimmy
06/26/1996  Liverpool, Eng    Empire                           2 discs
07/07/1996  Pistoia, Italy    Piazza Duomo                     2 discs
07/12/1996  Magedeburg        Stadthalle                       2 discs  Eyes Of the Idol
07/27/1996  Tullinge          Lollipop Festival                2 discs
08/03/1996  Atlana, GA        House of Blues                   2 discs
10/17/1996  San Lius Obispo   Cal. Polythechnic St Univ        2 discs
10/25/1996  Dallas, Texas     Bronco Bowl                      2 discs
10/26/1996  Austin, Texas     Austin Music Hall                2 discs
11/04/1996  Spartenburg, SC   Memorial Auditorium              2 discs
The Maine Event               April 19-21     Portland         3 discs
I've Got A Song To Sing       Spring/Summer 1996               1 disc

03/03/1995  Prague            Palac Kultry, Kongresovy Sal     2 discs
03/23/1995  Brussels, Belgium Voorst National                  2 discs  A Million Faces at My Feet
03/30/1995  London            Brixton Academy                  2 discs  F*** the Playlist
04/02/1995  Birmingham, Eng   Aston Villa Leisure Center       2 discs  One Hand Waving Free
04/09/1995  Glasgow, Scotland SECC Hall 3                      2 discs
04/11/1995  Dublin            The Point                        2 discs  Dylan Gets to the Point
05/22/1995  San Francisco, CA The Warfield Theater             2 discs
05/27/1995  Monterey, CA      Laguna Seca Daze                 2 discs  Guided By The Eternal Light
06/21/1995  Philadelphia, PA  Theater of the Living Arts       2 discs  The Pedlar Now Speaks
07/12/1995  Dortmund          Westfalenhalle 2                 2 discs
07/25/1995  Zaragoza, Spain   Pabellon Princepe Felpe          2 discs
10/06/1995  Jacksonville, FL  Riverview Music Shed             2 discs
10/10/1995  August, Ga        Bell Auditorium                  2 discs
10/12/1995  Dothan, Ala       Dothan Civic Center              2 discs
10/26/1995  Bloomington, Ind  University of Indiana            2 discs  Pledging My time
10/30/1995  Little Rock, Ark  Robinson Auditorium              2 discs
12/13/1995  Bethlehem, PA     Lehigh University                2 discs
12/17/1995  Philadelphia, Pa  The Electric Factory             2 discs  Paradise Regained
Exclusive Series '95          Various                          1 disc

02/15/1994  Kokura, Japan     Kyushu Koseinenkin Kaikin        2 discs
04/05/1994  Springfield< Ill  Sangamon State University        2 discs
04/06/1994  Davenport, Iowa   Adler Theater                    2 discs
04/09/1994  Lawrence, KS      Leeds Center U. of Kansas        2 discs
04/26/1994  Sioux City, Iowa  Municipal Auditorium             2 discs
05/01/1994  Columbia, MO      Jesse Auditorium                 2 discs
05/05/1994  Bristol, TN       Viking Hall, Bristol Univ.       2 discs
05/06/1994  Spartanburg, SC   Memorial Auditorium              2 discs  Poor
05/07/1994  Chattanooga, TN   Memorial Auditorium              2 discs
07/17/1994  Krakow, Poland    Stadion KS Cracovia              1 disc   Inside the Rain
07/19/1994  Warszawz, Poland  Cracovia Football Stadium        2 discs  Live In Poland Vol. 2
08/14/1994  Saugerties, NY    Woodstock '94                    1 disc   Northstage
10/08/1994  Boston, Mass      Orpheum Theater                  2 discs  Blue Eyed Boston Boy
10/18/1994  New York, NY      The Roseland Ballroom            2 discs  Roseland
10/19/1994  New York, NY      The Roseland Ballroom            1 disc   Stuck Inside of Roseland With New York Blues Again
11/06/1994  Asheville, NC     Thomas Wolfe Memorial Auditorium 2 discs
11/10/1994  Jackson, TN       Oman Auditorium                  2 discs
The Exclusive Series '1994    Europe July 16-25                1 disc
Are You Experienced?          Nara Japan                       1 disc
Completely UnPlugged          11/17--18                        2 discs  

02/08/1993  London, England   Hammersmith Apollo               2 discs  Apollo Landing
02/13/1993  London            Hammersmith Apollo               2 discs
02/15/1993  Utrecht           Vredemburg                       2 discs
02/16/1993  Utrecht           Muziek Centrum                   2 discs  Shadows in the Sounds
02/17/1993  Eindhoven         Musiekcentrun Frits Phillips     2 discs
02/18/1993  Hannover, Germany Musik Halle                      2 discs
02/20/1993  Wiesbaden         Rhein-Main-Halle                 2 discs
02/25/1993  Belfast, Ireland  Maysfield Leisure Center         2 discs
04/12/1993  Louisville,  KY   Louisville Center for the Arts   2 discs
04/13/1993  Nashville, TN     Jackson Hall Perf. Arts Ctr.     2 discs
04/14/1993  Nashville, TN     Jackson Hall Perf. Arts Ctr.     2 discs
04/18/1993  Asheville, NC     Thomas Wolfe Memorial Auditorium 2 discs
04/19/1993  Huntsville, Ala   Von Braun Concert Hall           2 discs  Hard Times In Alabama
08/27/1993  Falcon Hgts.      Riverfest Minnesota State Fair   2 discs
09/05/1993  Scranton, PA      Montage Mountain                 2 discs
09/08/1993  Vienna, Va        Wolftrap                         1 disc   The Real Sound
09/13/1993  Mansfield, Mass   Great Woods Performing Arts Ctr  2 discs  Great Woods
09/17/1993  Charlotte, NC     Blockbuster Pavillion            2 discs  So-So Sound
09/19/1993  Raliegh, NC       Walnut Creek Amphitheater        2 discs
10/02/1993  Los Angles, CA    Hollywood Bowl                   1 disc   Missing last 2 songs
11/16/1993  New York, NY      The Supper Club                  2 discs  First Supper
11/16/1993  New York, NY      The Supper Club (evening show)   1 disc   Dylantree Soundboard
11/17/1993  New Yorkm NY      The Supper Club                  2 discs  Second Supper
Lucky 13                      Various 1993                     1 disc

03/18/1992  Perth            Perth Entertainment Centre        2 discs
04/06/1992  Melbourne        Palais Theater                    2 discs
04/15/1992  Sydney           State Theater                     2 discs
04/18/1992  Auckland, NZ     Mount Smart Supertop              2 discs
04/22/1992  Maui, Hawaii     Royal Lahanina Tennis Stadium     2 discs
04/30/1992  Eugene, Oregon   Silva Concert Hall, Hult Center   2 discs  Black Muddy River 1992 Part One
05/04/1992  San Francisco    The Warfield Theater              2 discs  The Wardield
05/11/1992  Santa Barbara    The Arlington Theater             2 discs  Going To Arlington
05/14/1992  Los Angles, Ca   Pantages Theater                  2 discs
05/17/1992  Los Angles, Ca   Pantages Theater                  2 discs  Black Muddy River Part Two
05/17/1992  Los Angles, Ca   Pantages Theater                  2 discs
06/28/1992  Goteburg, Sweden Tradgardstoveningen               2 discs
06/30/1992  Dunkerque        Cotr D'Opale Festival             2 discs
07/01/1992  Reims, France    Parc Des Expositions              2 discs
07/02/1992  Belfort, France  Base Nautiques des maulsaucy      2 discs
07/04/1992  Genua, Italy     Porta Siberia                     2 discs
07/05/1992  Correggo, Italy  Festa Communale Unita             2 discs
07/07/1992  Merano, Italy    Hippodrome Di Maia                2 discs
07/08/1992  Aosta, Italy     Arena Croix, Noir                 2 discs
07/10/1992  Leysin, Switz.   Centre des Sports Leysin          2 discs
07/12/1992  Antibes, France  Pinede de Juan-Les-Pins           2 discs  Lucky Not To Be Destroyed
08/17/1992  Toronto, Canada  Massey Hall                       2 Discs  Some digital noise
08/30/1992  Minneapolis, MN  The Orpheum Theater               2 discs
10/09/1992  Pittsburg, PA    AJ Palumbo Center                 2 discs
10/19/1992  Binghampton, NY  Broome County Forum               2 discs  Dust My Broome
10/25/1992  Providence, RI   Performing Arts Center            2 discs
10/28/1992  Springfield      Paramount Performing Arts Ctr.    2 discs
10/30/1992  Beverly, Ma      Endicott College                  2 discs
11/01/1992  Wilkes-Barre, PA F.M. Kirby Center                 2 discs
11/02/1992  Youngstown, OH   Stanbaugh Auditorium              2 discs  Himself
11/09/1992  Sarasota         Van Wenzel Performing Arts Ctr.   2 discs
11/12/1992  Clearwater       Ruth Eckerd Hall                  2 discs
11/13/1992  Sunrise, Florida Sunrise Music Center              2 discs
Lucky 13                                                       1 disc
No Time To Think             April 1992/ Sept 1993             2 discs

01/28/1991  Zurich           Stadion Hallen                    2 discs
01/30/1991  Brussels         Vorst National                    2 discs  John Coltrane Masterpieces
02/06/1991  Belfast          Dundonald Ice Bowl                2 discs
02/21/1991  Williamsport, Pa Capitol Theater                   2 discs
04/20/1991  Birmingham       Oak Mountain Amphitheater         2 discs
04/21/1991  Greenville, SC   Memorial Auditorium               1 disc   missing last 2 songs
05/01/1991  Columbia, SC     Township Auditorium               2 discs
05/08/1991  Albany, NY       Palace Theater                    2 discs
05/11/1991  Danbury, CT      Western Conn. State College       1 disc   Leave That Girl Alone
06/06/1991  Rome             Palaeur                           2 discs
06/10/1991  Ljubljana        Centralni Stadion Belgravi        1 disc   Ljubljana '91
06/11/1991  Belgrad          Stadion FK Zemon                  1 disc   Belgrad '91
06/12/1991  Budapest         Kisstadion                        2 discs
06/14/1991  Innsbruck        Olympiahalle                      1 disc   Olympic Pleasure
06/18/1991  Essen, Germany   Gurgahalle                        2 discs  New Morning
06/19/1991  Offenbach                                          2 discs  Holy Grail
06/21/1996  Munchen, Germany Circus Krome                      2 discs  Holy Grail
06/26/1991  Stockholm        Cirkus, Kungliga Djurgarden       2 discs
07/04/1991  Lenox            Tanglewood Music Shed             2 discs
07/16/1991  Pittsburg        IC Light Amphitheater             2 discs
07/20/1991  Veinna, Va       Wolftrap                          1 disc   Wolftrap '91
07/20/1991  Doswell, Va     Kings Dominion Amusement Park      2 discs
08/09/1991  Buenos Aires    Estadio Obras                      2 discs
08/12/1991  Montevideo      Cilindro Municipal                 1 disc   Incomplete
10/25/1991  Austin, Tx      City Coliseum                      2 discs
10/27/1991  Lubbock, Tx     Lubbock Memorial Center            2 discs
10/30/1991  Tulsa, Tx                                          2 discs  Answer Me
10/31/1991  Wichita, KS     Civic Center                       2 discs
11/02/1991  Ames, Iowa      CV Stevens Auditorium              2 discs
11/04/1991  Evanston        Northwestern University            2 discs
11/05/1991  Madison, Wis    Dane County Colisuem               1 disc   Madison '91
11/06/1991  South Bend      C Morris Civic Auditorium          2 discs
11/08/1991  Louisville      The Whitney Hall                   2 discs
11/09/1991  Dayton, Ohio    The Memorial Hall                  2 discs
11/10/1991  Indianapolis    Murat Temple                       2 discs
11/13/1991  Akron, Ohio     Univ. of Akron                     2 discs  
11/15/1991  Wilkes-Barre    FM Kirby Center                    2 discs
11/16/1991  New Haven, Ct   Yale University                    2 discs
11/18/1991  Utica, NY       Stanley Performing Arts Center     2 discs
11/19/1991  Erie, Pa        Warner Theater Civic Center        2 discs
11/20/1991  Charlottesville University Hall                    2 discs

01/14/1990  Penn State      Recreation Hall, State College     2 discs
01/15/1990  Princeton, NJ   Princeton University               1 discs
01/25/1990  Rio De Janiero  Praca De Apoteose Sambodroma       1 dics   Rio
01/30/1990  Paris           Theatre Le Grand Rex               2 discs
02/04/1990  London          Hammersmith Odeon                  2 discs
06/06/1990  Toronto         O'Keefe Centre for the Perf. Arts  2 discs
06/14/1990  Fargo, ND       Civic Center                       2 discs
06/17/1990  Winnipeg        Centennial Centre Concert Hall     2 discs
07/08/1990  Werchter        Torhout-Werchter Rock Fest         1 disc
07/25/1990  West Berlin     Internationales Congress Centrum   1 disc   Live in Berlin 1990
08/06/1990  Calgary, Canada Centenial Hall                     2 discs
08/19/1990  Victoria, BC    Memorial Arena                     2 discs
08/28/1990  Merrilville, IN Holiday Star Music Theater         2 discs
08/31/1990  Lincoln, Neb    Bob Devaney Sports Arena           2 discs
09/02/1990  Hannibal, Mo    Riverfront Theater                 2 discs
09/06/1990  Dallas, Tx      Fair Park Music Hall               2 discs
10/11/1990  Brookville      CW Post College                    1 disc
10/12/1990  Springfield     Paramount Performing Arts Ctr.     1 disc
10/15/1990  New York        Beacon Theater                     2 discs
10/16/1990  New York        Beacon Theater                     1 disc
10/17/1990  New York        Beacon Theater                     2 discs
10/18/1990  New York        Beacon Theater                     2 discs
10/19/1990  New York        Beacon Theater                     2 discs
10/21/1990  Richmond, Va    Richmond Mosque                    2 discs
10/22/1990  Pittsburg, Pa   Syria Mosque                       1 disc
10/23/1990  Charleston, WV  Municipal Auditorium               2 discs
10/25/1990  Oxford, MS      University of Mississippi          2 discs
10/26/1990  Tuscaloosa, Al  Coleman Coliseum                   2 discs
10/27/1990  Nashville, Tn   Vanderbilt University              2 discs
10/28/1990  Athens, Ga      University of Georgia              2 discs
10/30/1990  Boone, NC       Appalachian State University       2 discs
10/31/1990  Charlotte, NC   Ovens Auditorium                   2 discs
11/02/1990  Lexingtom, Ky   Memorial Coliseum                  2 discs
11/03/1990  Carbondale      SIU Arena                          2 discs
11/06/1990  DeKalb, Ill     University of Northern Ikkinois    2 discs
11/08/1990  Iowa City, Iowa Carver Hockey Arena                2 discs
11/08/1990  Iowa City, Iowa Carver Hockey Arena                2 discs  Improved Air Remaster
11/09/1990  Chicago         Fox Theater                        2 discs
11/10/1990  Milwaukee       Riverside theater                  2 discs
11/12/1990  East Lansing    Wharton Center U of Michigan       2 discs
11/13/1990  Dayton, Ohio    Univ. of Dayton Arena              2 discs
11/14/1990  Normal, Il      Brayden Auditorium                 2 discs
11/16/1990  Columbus        Palace Theater                     2 discs
11/17/1990  Cleveland       Music Hall                         1 disc
11/18/1990  Detroit         Fox Theater                        2 discs  Buckets of Rain in the Motor City
Political World             Feb. 1990                          1 disc
Ring Them Bells             March 1990                         1 disc
Thank You Everybody         October 1990                       1 disc
.....New Sun Rise           Fall 1990                          2 discs

05/27/1989  Anadarum        Christenhof Castle                 1 disc
05/28/1989  Stockholm       The Globe Arena                    1 disc
05/30/1989  Helsinki        Jaahalli                           1 disc
06/04/1989  Dublin          Simmonscourt RDS                   1 disc
06/07/1989  Birmingham      National Exhibition Centre         1 disc
06/07/1989  Birmingham      National Exhibition Centre         1 disc   No Photographs Please
06/07/1989  The Netherlands Statenhal                          1 disc   Hunted Like A Crocidile
06/08/1989  London          Wembley Stadium                    2 discs
06/13/1989  Frejus, France  Les Arenes                         1 disc
06/15/1989  Madrid, Spain   Placio De Los Deportes             2 discs
06/16/1989  Barcelona       Palacio Municipal Desportes        2 discs
06/17/1989  San Sebastain   Velodromo De Anoeta                2 discs
06/21/1989  Athens, Greece  Panathenaikos Stadio               2 discs  Holy Grail
06/22 1989  Livorno, italy  Stadio di Ardenza                  1 disc
06/26/1989  Patras Greece   Patras Festival Ethniko Stadio     2 discs
07/01/1989  Peoria, IL      Civic Center Arena                 2 discs
07/02/1989  Chicago         Poplar Creek Music Theater         1 disc
07/15/1989  Portland, Maine Seashore Performing Arts Center    1 disc   Old Orchard Beach '99
07/21/1989  Holmdel, NJ     Garden State Arts Center           1 disc
07/26/1989  Saratoga Sprgs  Saratoga Performing Arts Center    2 discs
07/28/1989  Pittsburg, Pa   Civic Arena                        2 discs
07/29/1989  Ontario         Kingswood Music Theater            2 discs
07/30/1989  Ottawa          Ottawa Civic Center Arena          2 discs
09/04/1989  Madison, Wis    Dane County Coliseum               2 discs
08/08/1989  Toledo, Ohio    John F. Savage Hall                2 discs
08/15/1989  Atlanta         Chastain Memorial Park             2 discs  Holy Grail
08/16/1989  Atlanta         Chastain Memorial Park             2 discs
08/19/1989  Springfield     Illinois State Fairground          2 discs
08/26/1989  Houston, Tx     The Summit                         2 discs
09/06/1989  San Diego       Starlight Bowl                     2 discs
10/10/1989  New York, NY    The Beacon Theater                 2 discs  Shining At the Beacon
10/12/1989  New York, NY    The Beacon Theater                 1 disc   That Difficult Third Night
10/20/1989  Poughkeepsie    Mid-Hudson Civic Center            2 discs
10/24/1989  Boston, Mass    The Opera House                    2 discs
10/27/1989  Troy, NY        RPI                                2 discs     
10/29/1989  Ithaca, NY      Ben Light Gynasium                 1 disc
All The Way Down To Italy   Italy  June 1989                   2 discs
Beacon Blues Again          Beacon Theater  Oct 1989           1 disc

06/07/1988  Concord         Concord Pavillion                  1 disc   
06/10/1988  Berkeley        Greek Theater                      2 discs  San Francisco Bay Blues
06/11/1988  Mt. View, Ca    Shoreline Amphitheater             1 disc   Driftin' Too Far From Shore
06/13/1988  Salt Lake City  Park West, Park City               2 discs
06/15/1988  Denver          Fiddler's Green Amphitheater       2 discs
06/18/1988  East Troy, Wis  Alpine Valley Music Theater        2 discs
06/22/1988  Cinncinnati     Riverbend Music Center             1 disc
06/26/1988  Saratoga        Saratoga Performing Arts Center    1 disc
06/28/1988  Canadaigua, NY  Finger Lake Performing Arts Center 2 discs
06/30/1988  Wantaugh        Jones Beach Theater                2 discs  Blown Out On the Trail       
06/30/1988  Wantaugh        Jones Beach Theater                2 discs
07/02/1988  Mansfield       Great Woods Performing Arts Center 1 disc
07/26/1988  Memphis, Tenn   Mud Island Amphitheater            2 discs
08/03/1988  Hollywood, CA   Greek Theater                      1 disc
08/20/1988  George, WA      Champs de Brionne Music Theater    1 disc
08/24/1988  Edmunton        Northlands Coliseum                1 disc
08/31/1988  Syracuse, NY    NYS Fairgrounds Grandstand         1 disc
09/03/1988  Manchester      Riverfront Park                    1 disc
09/04/1988  Bristol         Lake Compounce Festival Park       2 discs  Lake Compounce Festival Park
09/10/1988  Stanhope, NJ    Waterloo Village                   2 discs  Waterloo Sunset
09/11/1988  Fairfax         Patriot Center                     2 discs
09/16/1988  Columbia, SC    Columbia Coliseum  USC             1 disc
09/23/1988  Miami           Miami Arena                        1 disc
10/13/1988  Upper Darby     Tower Theater                      2 discs
10/16/1988  New York        Radio City Music Hall              2 discs
10/17/1988  New York        Radio City Music Hall              2 discs
10/18/1988  New York        Radio City Music Hall              2 discs
10/19/1988  New York        Radio City Misic Hall              2 discs  Stuck Inside Of New Yor

07/10/1987  Philadelphia    JFK Stadium                        1 disc
07/19/1987  Eugene, Ore     Autzen Stadium                     1 disc
09/07/1987  Jerusalem       Sultans Pool                       2 discs  Sultan's Pool
09/10/1987  Basel           St. Jakobshalle                    1 disc
09/12/1987  Modena          Area Ex Autodroma                  1 disc
09/17/1987  East Berlin     Treptower Festwiese                1 disc
09/20/1987  Hanover         Messehalle                         1 disc
09/29/1987  Stuttgart       Hanns Martin Schleyerhalle         1 disc
10/01/1987  Verina, Italy   Arena di Verona                    1 disc
10/03/1987  Rome            Roma Palaeur                       1 disc
10/04/1987  Milano, Italy   Arena Civica di Milano             1 disc
10/10/1987  Birmingham      International Arena                1 disc   Wild Cathedral Evening
10/11/1987  Birmingham      International Arena                1 disc
10/14/1987  London          Wembley Stadium                    1 disc
10/15/1987  London          Wembley Stadium                    1 disc
10/17/1987  London          Wembley Stadium                    2 discs  The Final Night and More
The French Girl             May 1987                           3 discs
The Unreleased Live Album   July 1987                          1 disc

02/24/1986  Sydney          Entertainment Centre               2 discs  True Confessions for Carol     
06/26/1986  East Troy                                          2 discs  Improved Air Remaster
07/06/1986  Washington DC   RFK Stadium                        2 discs
08/03/1986  Inglewood, CA   The Forum                          2 discs
Covering Them               Summer 1986                        1 disc

Outside the Empire                                             1 disc
06/17/1985                 Rockline Interview                  1 disc

05/28/1984  Verona                                             2 discs
06/13/1984  Berlin          Waldb~hne                          2 discs  Just the Girls
06/19/1984  Rome            Palauer                            2 discs  Live at Palaeur
06/28/1984  Barcelona       Minestadio del FC                  2 discs  DylanTree
07/01/1984  Paris           Parc de Sceaux                     2 discs
07/07/1984  London          Wembley Stadium                    3 discs  What's Real
07/08/1984  Slane, Ireland  Slane Castle                       2 discs  Poor
Dirty Lies                       May 1984                      1 disc
From the Mountains of Madrid     Summer 1984                   1 disc
Real Live Outtakes               Summer 1984                   1 disc

April 1983                  The Complete Infidels Sessions     4 discs  Surviving in a Ruthless Workd
Bob Dylan and Mark Knofler  The Complete Sessions              3 discs

06/21/1981  Toulouse        Stade Municipal des Minimes        2 discs
06/26/1981  London          Earl's Court                       2 discs  Off Master
06/28/1981  London          Earl's Court                       2 discs
06/29/1981  London          Earl's Court                       2 discs  A Bird's Nest In Your Hair
07/08/1981  Stockholm       Johannes Isstadion                 2 discs
07/17/1981  Loreley          Freilechtb~hne                    2 discs
07/25/1981  Avignon, France Palace Des Sportes                 2 discs  Avignon
11/08/1981  Ann Arbor       Hill Auditorium                    2 discs
11/10/1981  New Orleans     Saenger Performing Arts Center     2 discs  The Child's Balloon
11/12/1981  Houston, Tx     The Summit                         2 Discs  You Can't Kill an Idea I and II
Between Saved and Shot                                         1 disc

02/05/1980  Knoxville       Civic Auditorium                   2 discs  Knoxville Grail
04/19/1980  Toronto         Massey Hall                        1 disc   Rock Solid
04/20/1980  Toronto         Massey Hall                        2 discs  Gospeller
04/28/1980  Albany, NY      The Palace Theater                 2 discs
11/11/1980  San Francisco   The Warfield Theater               2 discs  Master
11/12/1980  San Francisco   The Warfield Theater               2 discs  Master
11/15/1980  San Francisco   The Warfield Theater               2 discs  Farewell Bloomfield
11/16/1980  San Francisco   The Warfield Theater               1 disc   Keep In Touch With the Antichrist
11/24/1980  Ticson, AZ      Community Center                   2 discs
11/26/1980  San Diego       Golden Hall                        2 discs  Incomplete
11/30/1980  Seattle, Wash   Paramount Northwest Theater        2 discs  Rise Again

11/01/1979  San Francisco   The Warfield Theater               2 discs  New Found Faith
11/06/1979  San Francisco   The Warfield Theater               2 discs
11/18/1979  Santa Monica    Civic Auditorium                   2 discs  Madmen Runnin Loose 
11/21/1979  Santa Monica    Civic Auditorium                   2 discs  Preaching to the Converted
11/26/1979  Tempe, AZ       Gammage Theater                    2 discs
12/05/1979  Albuquerque     Kiva Auditorium                    2 discs  Right Turn At Albuquerque  Gospel Project
12/05/1979  Albuquerque     Kiva Auditorium                    3 discs

03/15/1978  Brisbane        Festival Hall                      1 disc   Okay, I Still Get Stoned
06/12/1978  Los Angles      Universal Amphitheater             1 disc   Stop Crying
07/01/1978  Nurenberg       Zepplinfield                       2 discs  Trainload of Fools 
11/15/1978  Los Angles      The Forum                          2 discs  At the Forum
12/09/1978  Columbia, SC    Carolina Coliseum                  2 discs
12/10/1978  Charlotte       Charlotte Coliseum                 2 discs  Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte
Darkness at the Break of Noon         Rundown Studios 1978     1 disc
Shelter From the Storm Interviews     1978-1981                1 disc

04/22/1976  Clearwater      Belleville Biltmore Hotel          1 disc   Complete Soundboards
04/22/1976  Clearwater      Belleville Biltmore Hotel          1 disc   The Days Before Hard Rain
04/25/1976  Gainesville     University of Florida Feild        2 discs
05/01/1976  Hattiesburg     Reid Green Coliseum                1 disc   Highway 49 Revisited
05/03/1976  New Orleans     The Warehouse                      2 discs  Rolling Thunder Revue
05/16/1976  Fort Worth      Tarrant County Convention Center   2 discs  Hold the Fort for What Its Worth
Acoustic Thunder            Spring 1976                        1 disc

10/31/1975  Plymouth,Mass   War Memorial Auditorium            1 disc   Plymouth Rock
11/13/1975  New Haven, Ct.  Vetrans Memorial Coliseum          2 discs  Afternoon
11/15/1975  Waterbury, CT   The Palace Theater                 1 disc   Satisfied Man
11/21/1975  Boston, Mass    Music Hall                         2 discs  Cowboy Angel Blues
11/22/1975  Waltham         Brandeis University                2 discs  
11/24/1975  Hartford, Ct    Civic Center Arena                 4 discs
12/08/1975  New York, NY    Madison Square Garden              2 discs  Knight of the Hurricane

01/03/1974  Chicago         Chicago Stadium                    2 discs  Very poor
01/10/1974  Philadelphia    The Spectrum                       2 discs
01/00/1974  Toronto         Maple Leaf Gardens                 2 discs  poor
01/14/1974  Boston          Boston Garden (Afternoon show)     2 discs  Love Song for America
01/14/1974  Boston          Boston Garden (Afternoon show)     2 discs  Les Kokay Complete 1974 PA Tapes
01/15/1974  Largo, MD       Capitol Centre                     2 discs
01/23/1974  Memphis         MidSouth Coliseum                  2 discs
01/31/1974  New York, NY    Madison Square Garden (Evening)    2 discs  Les Kokay Complete 1974 PA Tapes 
02/06/1974  Denver          Coliseum                           2 discs  poor
02/09/1974  Seattle         Coliseum                           1 disc   Dylan only
02/11/1974  Oakland, Ca     Alameda County Coliseum (Evening)  2 discs  Les Kokay Remaster
02/11/1974  Oakland, Ca     Alameda County Coliseum (Evening)  2 discs  Les Kokay Complete 1974 PA Tapes
02/14/1974  Inglewood, Ca   The Forum (Afternoon show)         2 discs  Paint the Daytime Black
02/14/1974  Inglewood, Ca   The Forum (Afternoon show)         2 discs  Les Kokay Complete 1974 PA Tapes
02/14/1974  Inglewood, Ca   The Forum (Evening Show)           2 discs  Les Kokay Complete 1974 Pa Tapes
Blood on the Tapes                 Sept. 1974                  1 disc
Blood on the Tapes NY Sessions     Sept. 1974                  1 disc

08/31/1969  Isle of Wright  The Isle of Wright Festival        1 disc          
The Dylan/Cash Sessions                                        1 disc  

02/05/1966  White Plains    Westchester County Centre          1 disc   They've Taped My White Plains Show!
02/06/1966  Pittsburg       Syria Mosque                       1 disc   Mosque Likely You'll Go Your Way
04/13/1966  Sydney          Sydney Stadium                     2 discs  A Phoenix in April
04/20/1966  Melbourne       Melbourne Festival Hall            1 disc   The Childrens Crusade
05/05/1966  Dublin          Adelphi Theater                    1 disc   While the Establishment Burns
05/10/1966  Bristol         Colston Hall                       2 discs  Away From the Past
05/14/1966  Liverpool                                          1 disc
05/15/1966  Leicester       De Monfort Hall                    1 disc   Leicester '66
05/17/1966  Manchester      Free Trade Hall                    2 discs  Guitars Kissing and the Contemporary Fix

05/07/1965  Manchester      Free Trade Hall                    1 disc   Now is the Time for Your Tears
09/03/1965  Los Angles      Hollywood Bowl                     2 discs  We Had Known a Lion
10/30/1965  Hartford        Bushnell Memorial Auditorium       1 disc
12/04/1965  Berkely         Berkeley Community Theater         1 disc   Long Distance Operator

10/31/1964  New York        Philharmonic Hall                  2 discs  All Hallows Eve and More
11/27/1964  San Francisco                                      1 disc
11/25/1964  San Jose        Civic Auditorium                   1 disc

05/03/1963  Chicago         Stud Terkel's Wax Museum           1 disc   Stud Terkel's Wax Museum

07/02/1962  Montreal        The Finjan Club                    1 disc   The Finjan Club
10/--/1962  New York        The Gaslight                       1 disc   The Remastered Gaslight Tapes

05/24/1961  Minneapolis     Minnesota Party Tape               2 discs  The Early Years Vol. 2
12/22/1961  Minneapolis     Hotel Tape                         2 discs  thea Early Years Vol. 1

Gleason Tape 2/1961 and Gerdes Fold City 04/16/1962            1 disc
The Banjo Tape 02/08/1963 and NYC Town Hall  04/121/1963       1 disc
Acoustic Troubador 11/04/1961                                  1 disc
In The Pines                                                   1 disc
Paranoid Blues                                                 1 disc
7 Years of Bad Luck                                            1 disc
Freewheelin' Outtakes                                          1 disc
The Witmark Years                                              2 discs
In Concert                                                     1 disc
Highway 61 Revisited Again                                     1 disc
Folk Rogue   Various Newport                                   1 disc
Thin Wild Mercury Music                                        1 disc
The Circus is In Town                                          1 disc
Early Dylan                                                    2 discs  Remaster
Folk Singers Choice   Cynthia Goodling Radio Show 03/11/1962   1 disc
Songs That Made Him Famous                                     1 disc

The New Morning Acetates                                       1 disc
Togheter 1963-1964     Dylan and Baez                          2 discs
The Genuine N.E.T. Covers Collection  1988-2000                9 discs
Songs For Patty Valentine                                      1 disc
The Best Of BobDylan.com (?)                                   1 disc
Traveling Wilbury's Complete Collection                        2 discs
From The Vaults Volume One                                     2 discs
Nearer To the Fire                                             1 disc
A Highway of Diamonds Volume Two                               1 disc
Golden Vanity                         1988-1992 Covers         1 disc
Dignity                                                        1 disc
Be My Guest                           Duets                    1 disc
Live 1975 Remaster Companion                                   1 disc
Invisible Things                      1979-1981                1 disc
Achilles In the Alleyway              Live Blonde On Blonde    2 discs

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