Hello Sir! Well here it is. The Quinnell WWW experience. A whole site and nothing important to say whatsoever I'm afraid. Hopefully there's some inane drivel up here somewhere that you might find appealing or amusing. I'll update it all soon - honest !! So make sure you come back regularly or you might miss something.
Oh yeah, if this site seems a bit slow on your machine...buy a faster one, 'coz I'm not going to do anything about it - ha ha !
Music stuff (mainly rock and indie)
Bands I like, music I'm into and rubbish like that. There's lot's of ranting about why you hear bugger all rock music on U.K. radio stations considering how popular it is and why everywhere you go you have tepid piss like Simply Red and Mark Morrison forced upon you. Also a regularly updated (honest!) list of what I'm humming along to at the moment.
The very first O'Connor & Quinnell Drinking Production (TM). One sunny day in August '96 we piled in a mini-bus and hit the south coast. It was brilliant.
Pictures from the now-infamous Thailand holiday - O'Connor and Quinnell go international. Epic. End of story.
Piccys from our trip to Montreal for the Canadian Grand Prix. Split into 4 pages to keep the download time sensible. Are you happy now theres some pictures of you up here Kev?
A look into the complex and frightening world of Sean, Dale & Co. Pictures from the Norfolk broads and a few others. These people are dangerous.
One solitary picture from our week in Benidorm. Brilliant !
Pictures (coming soon) and details of various beano's, festival's, lad's weekends and random piss-ups. Basically a startling insight into just how childish grown men can be with very little encouragement and a glorious indication of how pathetically shallow I really am!
Proper football. Not that American football rubbish. And it's not called soccer either. A sad man's diary following Welling United and details on their fanzine "Winning Isn't Everything" that my mates run, and which I contribute to from time to time. Don’t' ask why. Oh and theres a little bit on some team from up north somewhere.
You might or might not find this stuff funny. I don't care.
losers have been here and pissed off immediately !!
Links to other stuff...
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That is all. Drop me an E-mail and let me know how shit this site is.
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