Hello. This is a page dedicated to the band Jack Off Jill. You can find news, band
information, a discography, pictures, lyrics, interviews, sound clips, tabs, and other
surprises. Click on the links below to navigate the site.

News - What's new with the band. Includes tour dates!

Interviews - An archive of interviews with members of Jack Off Jill. 

The Band - Band information and history, articles, and show reviews.

Pictures - Pictures of the band as well as scans of flyers.

Discography - A list of releases by Jack Off Jill.

Sound Clips - Audio samples from various releases.

Lyrics - Words to most Jack Off Jill songs, sorted by album.

Tabs - A variety of Jack Off Jill bass and guitar tablatures.

Online Resources - Links and other band-related information on the internet.

Are you having trouble finding Sexless Demons and Scars, or looking for the new Covetous Creatures EP?  You can purchase both items here!

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Please enjoy what I have here. Feel free to drop me a line if you have anything to add to this site.

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Thanks to those who helped with this site!