Welcome to Transmissionuk
As you can see, I've only just started re-building this site. Apologies for any adds that popup - Though you should really be running Mozilla, phoenix Firebird or an enhanced IE like Flashpeak's Slimbrowser. I make no appologies for the amateur use of revealtrans MetaHTML tags, though it's a shame that there's no star-wipe transition ;)
I hope you like the minimalist approach to site design. At least you don't have to wait for ages while you load some daft flash program. I mean I did this on purpose to empower all you 56k modem dialup-ers. It's not that I can't be arsed to spend time creating fancy artwork...really.
This was once my world famous Joy Division site (hence Transmission UK) so apologies if you've come here by mistake. That site was nuked by Geocities admin because files were being remote hosted (see below). I foolishly hadn't got a backup so I lost it all. If for some strange reason you have no idea who Joy Division are then I suggest you stop pwning n00bs, go to amazon.com, type in Joy Division and buy the Heart and Soul compilation.
On this musical note (uuurgh, a pun) my good friend Horton Parks has a website for his band. The album is out now! You can get it on Amazon.co.uk (and no, this isn't one of those commissioned links that earns me money whenever you buy a copy).
A Warning
Don't link to my files directly, make sure you link to this page first.
Alternatively, feel free to host my files on your own website.
Linking direct to any of my files will:
A) Not work, as Geocities doesn't suppot remote hosting.
B) Get this site taken down, pissing me off greatly.
So if you're going to link to my files use this page as the link:
Use a target=#new tag if you don't want people to leave your site to come here (use the code from the link below).
If your stuck in someone else's weasely frames, use this
to break out of them.