
hello, have we met..well, im not even gunna give yall my excuse for not updating my page now, because i've found even myself repetitive. So, im just gunna pretend that ive been a tight website owner and update it frequently. Ok the real thing is that i dont even own a computer now, im currently on my friends computer, and well..yeah.....


ok, heres the latest scoops i personally have on silverchair...I recently attended their dallas show, and i must say it was the most spectacular show i have ever been to in all the 17 years i have been on this earth. my friends that arent as silverchair inclined as i attended as well, and even they say it was one tight show. Daniel was very talkative, and even invited one dude from the audience on stage to sing The Door with them. Cithy was wearing bright orange pants and played a most beautiful glittery bass. and Ben, was...well....BEEENNNNNNN. In other news, Daniel recently did an interview on MTV about his eating disorder. Because i dont feel like typing the entire interview out right now, or any of it for that matter, if you have MTV theyll be playing it again on 1515 for the next few days. Also, and i have not much info behind this, silverchair will be on Much Music on the 19th of this month (June)yeah.

New Drawrings!!!!

Yes i have drawn more at it again...this time its not as abundant as the last load, just 2 danos. I wouldve had 3 but i accidently gave the 1st one away to the man himself-dano :)


all the links you could ask for, and so much more......


A place where one can go to see the finest silverchair pictures the net has to offer!!


never in all my life have i seen so many perverted people since my latest survey. i found it so amusing, i had to share it with the rest of the world.


a list of silverchairs cds done be ME, so you know its gotta suck..


yikes, this HAD to be updated...


"who the hell is cithy?" i get about 23 times day..well ask no more cuz im tired of repeating myself! all you ever wanted to know about how, when why and where chris got his ever popular name "cithy"


for some really fucked lookin pictures, go here, contribute any pictures you have!


hmm..this place is going to be empty for a while.. :(


giving thanks where it is needed
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