vist my band's website!

This site is about L.S.U., Aunt Betty's, and other Mike Knott stuff. "the official mike knott website" is THE website for knott fans. I have been working on this page off and on since 1995, so there are some overlaps, but all my new additions are more personal stuff that you won't find on the official site.

NEW-hard to find
Aunt Betty's Interview

***NEW!!!Check out the aunt bettys cube!
Check out the mike knott cube!

Buy Aunt Betty's last cd, Supersonic! Operators are standing by!!!
Click Here!

Convince me that I NEED this record!

AUNT BETTYS BLACKLIGHT PICTUREdrawn by my beautiful girlfriend(scanned a little light, tweak the contrast to get it perfect)
Knott's bandmates!
Mike Knott guitar tabs

what you would have been if you did not come, your emails

please feel free to

email me


pEoPle HavE COmE inTo tHe FoLD

I would like to thank Steve Misner- for all the info and Knott stuff!
Ben Guyer-for doubling the size of my webpage!
My Angel- For the blacklight picture, tabs, love and support.

tHis PAgE iS hOstEd bY gEociTieS gET yOUr Own fReE HomEPaGE