An Homáge to Jerry Garcia

Hey now, one and all!
I've been a Deadhead
ever since I stumbled blindly into the Winterland Theatre in October '78 and had my life
changed and mind expanded. I got on the bus and never looked back. My only regret is that
I didn't catch more shows while I had the chance.
The ensuing seventeen years of traveling all over the western states following the band,
camping in dusty fields or asphalt parking lots, resulted in some of the best, wildest,
and weirdest times I've known. I owe the boys (and all the kind friends I made along the
way) a debt of eternal gratitude for being the incomparably wonderful shaping force they
became in my life.
Like the rest of us heads (and many others besides) I suffered a sense of traumatic loss
when Poppa Jerry left us on
August 9, 1995. It was the end of a personal era that had spanned my entire
adulthood, and a beautiful spirit (with all his flaws) left us a little more lonesome in
the world.
We miss you, Jerry!
Of all the things I read or heard said about Jerry after his passing, the words of
Ken Kesey and
Robert Hunter
touched me the most deeply. Wherever he is now, I'm sure Jerry had both a chuckle
and a tear over these remembrances.
Part of what I hope to make of this page is a place for heads to post their feelings and
remembrances about Jerry. This poem by
Jon Ney
is only the first of what I hope will become a creative memorial shrine. If you have
something you would like to contribute please email it to me and I'll see it gets
comparable treatment.
On August 13, 1995, tens of thousands of mourning heads assembled in San Francisco's
Golden Gate Park Polo Field for the
Jerry Garcia Memorial.
We listened to tribute speeches by friends and family, danced to tapes of live performances,
partied, and generally commiserated over our collective loss. There was a Dixieland style
funeral parade and a plane flew overhead showering us with carnations. All in all it was a
wonderful way of saying goodbye to our dear friend.

(Click on thumbnail to view image)
In case memory has begun to fade, check out this
Garcia Photo Gallery.

Take a spin on the Karma Wheel.

Garcia Tributes & Memorials
San Francisco Chronicle
Addicted to Noise feature
Dreams in Memory of Jerry Garcia

Grateful Dead Family Webring
Mark Leone - The Grateful Dead
Welcome to The Lot
The Old Hippie
Grateful Dead Webring
ICQ List - Grateful Dead

Chat Rooms
Grateful Dead Family Chat
Bigbob's Chatrooms (look for the "Grateful Deadheads" room)
Grateful Dead conference rooms at The Well
Grateful Dead Newsgroup

Official Sites
The Official Grateful Dead Home Page
Relix Records & Magazine

Photos & Graphics
Dead Images by Rob Cohn
Unofficial Grateful Dead Photo Galleries
Grateful Dead Related Graphics

Repetoire Reference
Grateful Dead Tour-by-Tour Homepage
Grateful Dead Lyrics
The Deadlists Project
Annotated Grateful Dead Lyrics
Grateful Dead Songlist
Dead Samples Page
SugarMegs Audio at TerraByte Station

Tape Traders
Eldar's Tape List
Grateful Dead Lists
Steve's Tape List

Grateful Dead -
Liquid Blue Merchandise
Tara Thralls Tie Dyes
The Village for Deadheads

Deadhead Newsletters
Concise Grateful Dead Bibliography
Garcia's Last Will & Testament
Garcia's Natal Chart
Deadhead Dating Page
Who's Who of the Haight-Ashbury Era
Grateful Dead Jokes
Hippy Land Hippy Magazine
Thanks for visiting my page!
May the four winds blow you safely home.
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Last updated 1/25/2002