Stevo's Page
Stevo's Page
Updated 4/30/06 NEWS FLASH!! Hi everyone. I have a new update for you that I hope you will enjoy. I have some new photos of a some beautiful natural nails that belong to a very nice lady I happened to see while walking downtown. She was very agreeable to letting me take some photos and I am sharing them with you today. See the link below to see the photos and if you would like to let her know what you think, write me and I will forward your comments to her. Keep watching for future photos of Charlene.
Charlenes's Nail Page 1
Previous post of 4/16/06: I know it's been a while. I hope everyone is doing well. A couple things to update. First, I want you to know that Rebs is doing well and hopes to be online in the very near future. You probably also know that it was necessary for her to start anew, from scratch shall we say, with her nails. It was hard to see those beauties go, yet the exciting news is she is making great progress with her nail growth since then and is doing so with nothing over them but oils and polish. :-) Soon, you will get to see how they are progressing as we are keeping a photo diary of every step along the way. Second, she is taking measurements now so we can document how the growth proceeds week to week. Pretty awesome!! Next order of business is Kathy's vid that was done a few years back. I now have a DVD recorder so I can copy the original tape onto DVD. If you are interested in obtaining the one hour DVD of Kathy showing off her long nails, email me ( and I will let you know how to get one. Some small clips are on my yahoo group site listed below. Happy Spring to all. Baseball and NASCAR are in full swing. Life is good. One bit of housekeeping. It seems that my site is pretty much full and so a couple things I plan to do. One is to take off some of the pictures and archive them so as to reduce bandwidth problems. I have taken off Debbie's archive pages and will be placing them on a soon to be created Debbie's photo group. As you know, Debbie lost her beloved David recently. She would like to contribute again soon to the group, so I will keep you posted.The other is to make my site more current and interesting. Bear with me as these changes take place. Look for an update very soon. Be well, my friends.
My Yahoo Group..... Stevo's Yahoo Group
Reb's Yahoo Group
Reb's Yahoo Group
Kathy's Video
Tyce's Nail Page 1
Melinda's Nail Page 1
Kathy's pages:
Kathy's Nail Page 1
Kathy's Nail Page 2
Kathy's Nail Page 3
Kathy's Nail Page 4
Kathy's Nail Page 5
Kathy's Nail Page 6
Kathy's Nail Page 7
Kathy's Nail Page 8
Kathy's Nail Page 9
Katie's page:
Katie's Nail Page 1
Debbie's Page
The Web Site that has become the place to go to when first logging on is Nailbytes, by our friend Ed from Toronto. Ed has done a truly remarkable job at creating and maintaining what I would call the center of our nail community. Make sure to check out his fantasic site for his frequent updates and large volume of links and so much more. I know most of you are already frequent visitors there, but I am happy to link his site again and thank him for his great work. Thanks Ed.Nailbytes
To see some of the most extremely long and unique nails, A must see....
Real Unique Nails Page
Here are my mall walker series photos. More to come soon.
Enjoy. : )
Stevo's Photo Page 2A
Stevo's Photo Page 2B
Stevo's Photo Page 2C
Stevo's Photo Page 2D
Stevo's Photo Page 2E
Stevo's Photo Page 2F
Stevo's Photo Page 2G
Stevo's Photo Page 2H
Stevo's Photo Page 2I
Stevo's Photo Page 2J
Stevo's Photo Page 2K
Stevo's Photo Page 2L
Stevo's Photo Page 2M
Stevo's Photo Page 2O
Here are the photo pages of my friend Joyce, who has moved and won't be able to contribute to my page any more. But I hope you all enjoy the ones that we had a chance to do.
Joyce's Photo Page 1
Joyce's Photo Page 2
Joyce's Photo Page 3
Hello, all my friends. I'm Steve and welcome to my page.
I'd like to thank you all for visiting. For those who don't
know me, I am known as Stevos on IRC and the NTC nail chat
page. I'm married with two terrific sons and a great dog.
Now about me. When I first signed on to the Internet, I had
no idea that there were any other admirers of long, beautiful
nails out there. I thought I was alone. Well, as many of you
know, there has developed a wonderful group of nail admirers
like me who chat and have developed great Web pages. I don't
know how it all got started for me, but when I see a great
set of nails on a lady, I am immediately attracted to them.
I am posting some of my favorite pics that I have accumulated
though some great pages. I hope you enjoy. Personally, I mostly
enjoy nails of about 1/2" to infinity?? in length, done natural or in a decorative french style. Natural nails are fantastic, but
artificial, done well, are very appealing as well.
Visit again and often. I will add pics and comments and other
neat stuff. : )
There are few words to describe the photos and stories from the famous Vegas trip we have
all heard about. Linda, Gina and Angel display their awesome nails on several pages. You will
find some on Leni's page, Lookin's page and others. I surely wish I could have been there.
It sounds like it was a lot of fun. Hey, maybe next year up close to Massachusetts????
As most of you now know, Debbie has discontinued her page for now. I really enjoyed
her page very much, but she and Viking John are quite busy, settling into their new
life. I wish them well and hope to see them on the chats.
Debbie's Photo Page
Also, I hope you all check out
Mike's Forida Nails site. Some wonderful pics of our lovely Angel
and her beautiful nails.
Florida Nail's Page
Be sure to visit Dave and Kat's wonderful pages and I hope you stop by and visit there and drop Dave and Kat a "hello".
Dave Cutter's Page
Sxckat's Pleasure Lair
Lonnie and Linda are wonderful people and Linda's nails, well, "Wow" comes to mind. I have fixed the link here. And someone please remind me to enter the football pool this year. hehe. Enjoy this great site.
Lonnie's and Linda's Page
These pics are still some of my favorites, but it's amazing how many awesome new sites and pictures have come onto the web since I started this page.
Stevo's Photo Page
I enjoy many different lengths, shapes and designs. Leni Cano
has a great page, featuring pics of natural nails. He does a
masterful job of catching the best poses. He also has amazing
guts to approach women and ask to photo their nails. Great job,
Be sure to visit his page.
Leni Cano
I just wanted to say that I miss Linny and I hope everything is ok for her and Bo. I hope
I will have the chance to chat with Linny sometime again. Be well, my friend.
You can reach me by e-mail at:
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