September 13, 1996, State College, PA (a friday the 13th, i might add. Listen to how Tori felt about it...): Click here to read the review! Nicely written, but some of those quotes from students are downright blasphemous! (I was in attendance (ahem, front row, center...) and will hopefully have my own little review of the experience in the near future, along with some pics of me with Tori...)
Fellow collectors, Tori-philes, anybody!!
You will find most of the cover art here, along with picture discs, and
info on a lot of CDs, etc., that you may have never heard of before. The
majority of the info will be on discs from the US and UK. At the moment, I'm trying to get the 'rest of the world' done...it's an ongoing process, so check back frequently. I still got lotsa stuff to add.
Enjoy! I welcome any comments or questions, corrections, or even
just friendly correspondance.
Latest Additions:
There's been a lot of promo CDs released as a result of the RAINN/cK thingamajig (for lack of a better word at 3 a.m.), most are listed in the "Assorted/Et Cetera" section.
"Silent All These Years" has been re-released on CD and cassette; also in "Assorted/Et Cetera."
Last Updated: 16 March 1997 (edit: Yikes! 1/5/2004)
My soon to be Tori homepage: the Universal Opera

people have made me a very happy camper...
© 1996 hxs171@psu.edu
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