If you have ever wanted to see a real pile of shit look here! I think these pages are cool as hell! Check it out!

I am back!!! I need some ideas on what to do with these pages! E-mail me with ideas!!

I recieved this letter a few months ago and I feel that it is worthy of my attention, and your attention:

"Hail, Brother!
If you are NOT an Australian ManOwaR fan then probably won't interest you.
Although my older Australian Brothers and Sisters often tell me that since the 80s the tour rumours of 'big name' Power Metal acts have never ceased, it seems to me Australia is all too often deprived of quality international True Metal performances. Any why is this so?
Unfortunately I suspect money and organisation are lacking. Therefore I urge you to show your support and passion for such a worthy cause, by spreading the word about this guy: Steve Ravic (of Metal Warriors) metalwarriors@hotmail.com He has been given the go-ahead by ManOwaR to get a partition started which will ultimately BRING THEM TO OUR SHORES !! Please go sign you name on your email to him in blood my friend, and forever carry on.
HAiL & KiLL! - Shane, Blamer Of Wimps & Posers"
With Full support from this page!!!

I am trying to get MANOWAR to tour in the U.S.A., or atleast one place on the west coast! But I need help to convence the band to do so! So please write to the band and ask them to come to the U.S.A.!!!! (Don't forget to tell them that you are writting as a part of the: "Fighting the World Homepage" Movement (THANKS))

MANOWAR's Army of the Immortals
P.O. Box 7214
Auburn, N.Y. 13022

Fighting the world...

Thanks to Eric Meeks For his addition to this page!

A survey about MANOWAR Fill it out soon!

The Current results of the Survey!! (22-11-99)or USA date(11-22-99)

(TABS) Guitar music is here!!
If you have any other Guitar tabs, Bass Tabs, or any other MANOWAR Music/Info feel free to write!
manowarrules@geocities.comI will post any input I recieve from TRUE MANOWAR fans!

List of other MANOWAR pages

What fans think about MANOWAR concerts! Write me if you would like to tell your viewsto other manowar fans

True Metal FANS Join the list in here!
True Manowar fan listings!

If you would like to contact Manowar this is the address to do so:

MANOWAR's Army of the Immortals
P.O. Box 7214
Auburn, N.Y. 13022

You are # since 10-23-96

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Join the great metal take over! If you want MTV to play more metal then give the great metal take over your support!
check out the metal take over homepage!

Are You missing any of MANOWARS CD'S or Tape's you can find them here! CDnow

you can buy the albums here!

I found many of my missing MANOWAR CD's at CDnow.com and I had no problem with ordering from them. So if you are missing any CD's I would recomend CDnow!

If if you do not like cdnow, you will want (love) to buy your cd's (or any other computer related products) from buy.comThey have the best prices,(gauranteed) And the best costomer service I have found on the net!