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DeFront is made up of Jefferson Silveira (center) from Brazil, Luis Melo (on right) and Alvaro Vasconcelos (on left) from the Azores Islands in Portugal.
Jefferson Silveira was formerly the singer for the bands Belo Truque and Detroyrrr while living in Brazil. In 1990, he moved to the Azores and formed De Front.
Winner of a national talent show in Portugal in April, 1994, De Front drew raves from the Azores press and were interviewed live on RTP and RTP1, the national television networks. They came to the United States in June, 1994, where they've played at local clubs in the Bay Area ever since. Their song, "What To Do," has since been played on San Jose's local rock radio KSJO.
De Front has been featured in a compilation CD produced by Rodell Records in 1995. The band also independently produced a demo in Portugal named Extremely Consistent, and another three since they've been here in the United States named "Bagulho," "Extremely Consistent II" and "De Front."
De Front has recently signed with Post-Amnesia Records and has released a new CD called "Passport."
Produced by DeFront
Mixed by Guy Higbey
Recorded at Locomoto Productions, Menlo Park, CA
Mastered at Rocket Labs by Michael Ramanowski, San Francisco, CA
Recorded Summer 1997, Programming arrangements for Old Colors, Colt 45, Help, Boring, Like Wild Horses, and I Don't Know by Peter Johnson of Terminus
Big Noise Records
Metro Newspaper
SF Bay Area Underground Music
Bay Area Bands
Music Universe