News Update 22:08 12-08-99
Soon a new Chill page will be uploaded on the internet. Probably not on Yahoo! Geocities. Time will tell were loyal fans can find the new page.
News Update 14:09 22-06-99
You can find Chill on the homepage.
The URL: Chill
News Update 02:20 01-02-99
The 1st round of the RegioPopPrijs has taken place. Chill recieved 53.5 points, and is after 3 rounds 7th of the list. Still 3 rounds have to come and only the 10 best bands go to the 1/2 finals. All loyal fans were very upset about the points awarded. But some people just know nothing about music. Fortunately we can still hope!!!
News Update 04:16 22-01-99
It's a long time since I changed the last thing about the Scrythe homepages. The Band has changed it's name to CHILL. The homepage shall change in the near future.
The band has a new demo-CD ready. It shall be released in the near future! As loyal fans we are all very anxious to hear it. I've heard the raw material and it sounds very GOOD!
On the 30th of januari 1999 thay play in the first round of the Regio PopPrijs in Eindhoven. If you want to see them please come to this place
There will be more concerts in the near future! Look in Concerts to stay updated!
News update 02:36 12-09-98
Dirk Hasselman has entered a Short Story Contest. He shall write approx. 15 stories about different subjects.
These stories shall be published on the next URL:
(The stories are all written in Dutch)
Short Story Contest
News update 14:49 25-08-98
Scrythe is planning to change it's name. The are several alternatives but the most popular is "SHIFT". As a loyal fan I support the name change but "SHIFT"..... (Yuk). To help the band choose a new name go to the geobook and fill in the list with questions.
Although I do not like the name "SHIFT" I like the name of the new album. "Makes you run faster". All Quake and Duke-fans already new it but what the heck. The album shall be released before Xmas, they only forgot to mention the year.
Dirk has changed his place of living from Tilburg to Eindhoven.
News update 08:32 09-06-98
All single female fans weep: Bjorn has a new girlfriend.
The World Access Scrythesite shall be removed soon, please bookmark the Geocities page.
All counters are removed again from the geocitiespages. Between 30-04-98 and 09-06-98 221 people visited this site.
I want to thank you all for your visits.
News update 21:54 24-05-98
Is Bjorn leaving SCRYTHE?
The other band Bjorn plays in has got a contract.
Let's hope that Bjorn's heart is with SCRYTHE!
Dirk gave a birthday party last saturday, but Michiel wasn't there. Rumours say he has a very contageous disease.
Dirk celebrated his 23th birthday last thursday: Hip Hip Hurray!
The band is planning to hire an agency to have more concerts. As loyal fans we think that's a wise choice.
News update 22:10 04-05-98
Now on the geocities site: A MP3 Sample!
Click on sample in the upper menu! (If you are on the geocities page else you will still get the very bad compressed wave file)
News update 14:20 30-04-98
Now on the geocities site counters on all pages!
The scrythe geocities homepage (mirror) on geocities.
Maybe soon on the geocitiespage a MP3 from Scrythe!
News update 19:50 10-04-98
Marco doesn't have enough cool clothes. For the pictures on the Scrythe pages he had to borrow Dirk's clothes.
Fred almost forgot to send the band's biography to Dirk this week
Still nobody has called for a concert at Kempenerpop.
For more gossip and news about Scrythe mail me at: