c l i c k    o n    t h e    p i c t u r e    f o r    m o r e    p h o t o s    o f    t h e    b a n d
One Man's Fate

Jason DeFranco   
Lead Guitar

John Smith
    Drums / Lead Vocals     

Adam Perry
Bass Guitar / Backing Vocals

One Man's Fate is a up and coming band from Mississippi. The 3 member power trio has been together for over one year. Their aggressive music is influenced by the likes of BioHazard, Life of Agony, Machine Head, Deftones, etc. They can usually be seen playing gigs in the Louisiana and Mississippi areas and have had radio airplay in both areas as well - you may have heard them. Check out the sound clips below if you haven't. Or try to catch them live in New Orleans or Hattiesburg sometime.

New clips from their first indie album--

Years gone by MP3 (216kb / 30sec)

Upcoming Shows:

February 26

One Man's Fate with Battery
at Mockingbird Music Hall (formerly Blues Alley)
Hattiesburg, Miss.

February 28

One Man's Fate with the Cooters
Oxford, Miss.

March 21

One Man's Fate with Gridlock
at Tal's Music Emporium
Hattiesburg, Miss.

Send any comments, feedback, or whatever to onemansfate@geocities.com

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