Lord Agrivaine's Domain
So far a total of
, visitors have passed into my domain.
Domain last updated November 10, 2002.
one and all to my domain, while you are here please show all due
respect. Since my hospitality only goes so far and I do not tolerate
those who would dishonor or disrespect myself, my house, or my
friends. For as a knight of the round table, and noble of House
Ailill I hold these ideals in high priority.
Many out there probably do not know who I
am so please if you are interested read my biography. I'm sure
then you will then know a bit more about me. I am also sure you
will look at things a bit differently then, especially in regards
to the legendary kingdom of Camelot. Please feel free though to
explore my domain as you wish.
© 2002 Lord
Anything found on this site is the
property and probably copyrighted by the creators. No infringement
was intended, if you wish anything that is yours removed from
this site please let the web master know. It will then be removed
from the site, at the first opportunity. This site also contains
fictional elements that relate to character I or others have created.
So please don't take such things as fact, it will be noted where
such items are at the bottom of the page. Keep in mind this is
a site intended to express various aspects about me in a creative