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Who Am I
My name is Tod Lavis. I am 21 years old, and I live in Sydney Australia. I share a flat with two mates Fats (aka Frank Rayner ) and OE(aka Daniel O'Neill , God, Zeus, Dogboy) both who attend Macquarie University. My girlfriend Heids (aka Heidi Porteus, Porto, Proteas) currently completing her Occupational Therapy Degree, she is spending the next 4 months at Newcastle's John Hunter Hospital in the Paediatrics ward.
Check out my collection of Mug Shots.
I currently work for Tandem Computers in North
Stuff I like doing includes playing
guitar, going to concerts and movies and playing with my
computer. I also play for the Knox
Oldboys in the KDSA league.
Here is my web dedication to the band The Welcome Mat. This page is listed at the ultimate band list.
Here is a smaller dedication to another really cool Aussie band Knievel. This page is also listed at the ultimate band list.
Stuff I Like To Do
Movies I have Seen Recently.
Videos I have Seen Recently.
Books I have Read Recently.
Concerts I have Been to Recently.
CDs I have bought Recently
Random Stuff
Here is something that I feel is rather Random, at this stage I'm not sure what this will involve, but after severe prompting from my girlfriend Heidi Porteus here is the to the so called Sorry Page.
Check out my collection of Mug Shots.
A Testing page to try out new Javascript stuff.
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