Wild Man Dave’s Home Page
Welcome! I’ve got lots of lyrics here, some with chords, some without. I am always on the lookout for more, too! If you find any, e-mail me.


Bob Dylan
Donald Fagen / Steely Dan
Joni Mitchell
Cat Stevens
Stevie Wonder

Paul Simon
Many more to come!

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Lost Folio of Shakespeare's Hamlet discovered

100GigaBurger Bug

Monica’s Dress and the Mystery of the Magic Semen

Storytelling at the White House

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Howdy! My name is Wild Man Dave. I created this page to contain my own arrangements of modern pop music, music that I like, music that I play, music that I would like to share with others.

I write a few songs, but I especially enjoy playing and arranging. I like lots of different kinds of music, but I am concentrating on the rock/jazz/blues genres. I like Steely Dan, Rickie Lee Jones, Stevie Wonder, the Beatles, Joni Mitchell, Duke Ellington, and many others.

I first became aware of how difficult it can be to locate sheet music for out-of-print titles when I tried to find the sheet music to Rickie Lee Jones’ eponymously titled first album. Now this is an album that, although a lot of you young hipsters would never confess to owning it today, went gold in the late seventies, & won a great big bunch of critical acclaim. If anyone can locate this sheet music, I would love to own my own copy. I have several other of her albums’ sheet music, but Rickie Lee Jones still eludes me. Is it out there? If anyone knows, e-mail me.

Meanwhile, I make do with sitting on the floor of my living room with my young boy, Tim the Enchanter, trying to find that one particular major-nine-flatted-fifth chord in the middle eight of “Company”. Tim was born in January 1998, is an avid Aquarius and has a few radical theories about tuning a 9-string guitar in minor seconds and quarter tones.

How do I create the lyric files?

First, I figure out how the song goes - chords, lyrics, “now how did that third verse start?” Then I sit at my computer and type in the lyrics. Then I type the chords into the lyrics. There’s a certain format that one must use if one wants to create PostScript files out of text files. Check the FAQ for more information.

W M Dave with Tim the Enchanter

Tim and Dave are enjoying their luxury accomodations at the Queen’s Birthday Party at Surfside Beach


In Search Of...
“Rickie Lee Jones”

out-of-print sheet music to her first, most popular album - where can it be?

Yes, you have to learn the jazz chords, too.

This home page was created by Wild Man Dave, who is solely responsible for 90% of its content. Geocities is responsible for the all the stuff that says Geocities. Advertisers are responsible for their own ads. You’d think that I wouldn’t have to tell people this, but the question is often raised, “Who’s responsible?” And, in a deeper sense, aren’t we all responsible?

Copyright © 1998 Wild Man Dave, except for the images, and the lyrics. The lyrics I found by listening to radio waves that were broadcast through certain frequency-modulated bandwidths. These radio waves were sending SONGS, jack; I am tellin’ you for true. After listening to pop music for more than 35 years, these songs became lodged deeply in my head. You ever get a song stuck in your head? I have no choice but to put them here.

The images of Wild Man Dave are copyright © 1998 Wild Man Dave. Other images are copyright by whoever took the pictures. Your guess is as good as mine as to who that might be, I found a bunch of ‘em on some Usenet feed. Others were sent to me by anonymous donors. Send e-mail about broken links, wrong chords, and where to nab out-of-print sheet music to The Webmaster.

Court orders, subpoenas, writs and all correspondence that begins: “Dear Mr. David” or “TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN” should be sent to \dev\null.

And the best of luck to you.

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