Dreams and Darkness LE

Back to Geocities in plain old HTML2! Check the old address... it still works! At some point in the future, I *might* throw some formatting at the site and see if it sticks, but don't hold your breath. ;) The site is a cut-down version of the old site and as such is missing most of the sections and it is no longer frame driven. 800x600 res or better in any goddamn browser! ;)

Poetry, Prose and Texts

From here you can select whose poetry you wish to view. "Index" at the top of any pages will return you to this screen.
Copyright remains with said artists and is applicable with regards to the Internet. If you wish to submit any poetry along the lines of the stuff already here, you can use the mail form at the bottom of the page.

Brandon MacSuibhne
Chris Leonard
Chris Lopez
Deacon Amalgam
Jennifer Edwards
Jessica Jefferies
Laura Robinson
Matthew Hewitt
Matt McElyea

The Frozen Trilogy

Another *two* copyright infringements. By the same person (UsagiChi) on www.vampireforum.net.
Once again, "She" has been used and altered slightly and "Like-minded Individual". This is starting to take the piss now. I have also had pieces used in actual school and college papers by students passing them off as their own.
These pieces *are* published. Thus, UK, US and international copyright law covers them. Altering a few words here and there doesn't count! The piece cannot even be considered a derivative of the original.
The dates on this site (see here) predate the violation, as does the site on the Way Back Machine archive (year 2001), below:
http://web.archive.org/web/20010722153041/http://homepage.ntlworld.com/submu/ddv7/ - May be up and down but gives the date as 2001/07/02 which also predates any of these violations.

When did it become "okay" to plagarise in such a rough-shod manner?
Anyway, not much point doing a lot to the site now as Yahoo are killing off Geocites.

Well, interestingly, a MySpace user has been using my prose on her site and leaving it uncredited. I contacted her to point this out and was told, in no uncertain terms (see below) that she had written it herself and I should "f*** myself". So, if she returns to this site to rip off any more, then read this "Felicia™", and read it well:The date of the last upload to even this site predates that of your blog (23/08/2006). Geocities file dates cannot be forged by the uploader.
Stop lying to me, stop lying to your friends and more importantly, stop lying to yourself.

Message with swearing starred out:
Subject: RE: She - A Chemical Solution for Generation X
Body: Um...F**k you, I wrote that in high school, so why don't you go f**k yourself and leave me alone. BTW your music sucks ass!!!
----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Submunition
Date: Sep 28, 2007 8:28 AM
Um... I've had this before on another site but if you want to use my poetry/prose on a site, I would prefer that you at least give me credit for it, especially "She", for personal reasons. Cheers. (spiralDancer or subz would suffice).
This is a genuine request btw.
www.geocities.com/ivirekk for more.

Heh, "my music sucks ass" :oD You obviously don't think the same about my words. Just enough to remove the bits that state that the writer is male. You aren't even a GenX-er, if you even understand the term.