Introducing....The GREATEST Band Of All Time

I just bought a replica of the guitar John is playing in this picture. It's a Epiphone Limited Edition John Lennon Electric Accoustic. It's AWESOME!

"Ladies and Gentlemen, The Beatles!" Ed Sullivan Show

The Beatles were not just another Rock and Roll band, they had something more. They gave music a much needed boost to the next level. When I first heard The Beatles I was just a little girl. I was not too concerned about who wrote the songs. I just wanted to hear music that I liked. But as I matured, well not matured, got older, I realized that there is more to a band then just music. A band has a style, a personality, and an image. The Beatles had an image like no other group in the 60s. At first they would show up for a gig in leather jackets and greased back hair, but with the help and guidance of Brian Epstein, The Beatles soon metamorphosed into the mop-top teens that everyone loved. With those matching collarless suits and their wily long hair, how could anyone not be curious what The Beatles were all about? As their music progressed so did their style and train of thought. Through mind altering drugs and more life experience, The Beatles began to see that there was a lot left for them to conquer. They were before their time. They revolutionized the music industry, blazing a path for all other bands to follow. Without The Beatles, who knows how long it would have taken for their style of music to surface. We could still be listening to the shoo-bop songs of the 50s, and that's not an idea that I am ready to imagine.

"A Day In The Life" -- Beatles Interviews

"Only A Northern Song" -- Beatles MIDIs

"Tomorrow Never Knows" -- Beatles Facts

"Every Little Thing" -- Beatles Lyrics

"All Things Must Pass" -- George Harrison Lyrics

"Here, There, And Everywhere" -- Beatles Links

"Turn Me On Dead Man" -- Is Paul REALLY Dead?

"I'm Only Sleeping" -- Everyone BUT Paul is Dead

"While My Guitar Gently Weeps" -- Beatles Guitar Tabs

"Wearing Rings On Every Finger" -- Webrings

"I Need You" -- Help Support My Page!

"You Like Me Too Much" -- Awards I Have Won

"If I Needed Someone" -- Supporters of Beatles, Beatles, Beatles!

"Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby" -- TRUE Beatles Fans Only

"Love You To" -- Meet Some TRUE Beatles Fans

"Please Please Me" -- Take My Beatles Survey!

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Hey! Are there any Bealtes' fans out there that think that Oasis is better then the Beatles? If so, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?? HUH?? Personally I REALLY like Oasis, they've got great songs with a great sound, but how can you even think they are better then The Beatles. Go to a secluded hillside, and think about it for a long time. It won't take too long to figure out who is better then who! And hopefully you will realize who is better!! And if you don't, get out of my room, you're hurting my image! I recently saw an interview with Oasis, and they basically called George an idiot and said that Paul was senile. They also commented on how music is made for everyone and that The Beatles don't own their songs (to me that sounds like an excuse to steal their songs). Now, if you're a true Beatles fan, you're not going to think a band who bashes the Beatles is better then them, now are ya? And if you do, how do you sleep??? * This is not meant to dis on Oasis. I REALLY DO enjoy their music, but I am a MUCH bigger Beatles fan. I am just expressing my feelings about Oasis' comments towards The Beatles, that is all.

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Non-Beatles links:
Dot's Poetry Corner
The Realm of Daryl
The Official Phish Home Page

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