Khrystine's Stompin' Ground
Please don't feed the animal.
Hiya! Khrystine here. This is my first attempt at a Home Page, but hopefully I'll get better at it and have a bunch of cool/hot links to other places.
You probably know me from Dcon ( 3000) and you'll know that my best buds there are Rubberducky and Instant.
I like to listen to all sorts of music, but I like to play classical, pop, and jazz. I enjoy playing the piano and saxophone (which I haven't touched in ages),
and I really want to play the cello. I have a red stripe in Taekwondo, but I don't really play any other sports. Bored yet?
I like music from the 80's such as The Smiths and Morrissey, Squeeze, and other such bands, but I do like some of th stuff coming out of the newer bands
now. If you are a Smiths fan and you know of any place I should check out on the internet, please drop me an e-mail.
Well, check back soon to see more exciting (blah) stuff from me, yer new pal!
Formerly Rubberducky's Page O' Fun ..Now: Hamoki's Dojo
Instant Action: Thea's Page
Men's 4M ,Rubberducky's little club
Audrey Hepburn!
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Last update: July 1998