April L. Anderson's Site


Personal Information


Full Name: April Lynn Jackson (now Anderson)

Web Alias:  Ajaxx (that is, "A" from April, "Jaxx" from "Jackson," [my maiden name] & 24, my lucky number)

Birthday: April 24, 1976

Birthplace: Fort Hood, TX

Family: 3 Brothers (Brian, Michael, Robert), 1 Sister (Kelly), 
Mom (Sandy) and Stepdad (Paul), Dad (Alan), Stepmom (Charlene), 
Adopted Mom (Candy) and Adopted Dad (Rob)

Where I Live: Shortsville, NY

Where I Work: Canandaigua National Bank & Trust (Wealth Services Group: Trust Department)




Interests, Hobbies, Life's Rewards

Singing in the car & karaoke Dancing (makes me feel free and super happy) Going camping & being in the woods Writing (best way to express my thoughts)
Cooking & baking treats for people; I give the gift of food Racquetball (who doesn't like hitting a little ball off a wall over & over?) Making jewelry (I have a good collection of beads) Arithmetic (financial modeling & Excel use is particularly fun)
Video games (Mario Bros., Zelda & Champions of Norrath) Romance (books, movies, music) Driving (Speeding) Going to the movies/ watching DVDs
Growing tomatoes and herbs Road tripping (Canada, up north, into the unknown) Escaping (getting away from everything) Walking in nature & getting away from the noise
Dreaming (of the things I have yet to have)      FLYING in my Camaro down      Route 58 (my "happy place") Cuddling with Dan (hubby) &     Jake (pup), Ben & Leah (kitties) Hanging out with friends
Continuing my education Striving for perfection & adding value to this world My financial calculator :D Reading (romance, self-improvement, nonfiction)
Yellow, red, orange, copper and light Candles (PartyLite, in particular) Genuine beauty & all things natural MUPPETS!  FRAGGLES!
My log cabin & the warm, secluded comfort it offers Music (my drug of choice... other than coffee) COFFEE (and LOTS of it) Happy thoughts & nostalgia (dancing around bonfires)
Yellow gerbera daisies & white roses The smell of cedar & the smell of burning wood Traveling to interesting places Fuddruckers, Dinosaur BBQ, Buffalo Wild Wings
Passion, high intensity & magnetism Words (piecing them together to convey meaning/emotion is an artform) Sangria, Purple MFs, Labatt Blue, wine The crackle of a fire in absolute silence
Cadience (my niece who every time she sees me, puts her arms around my neck & plants lots of kisses on my cheek) Dakota (my nephew who is such a manly little guy - loves his monster trucks and loves playing video games w/ Uncle Dan) Daymon (my nephew, who is such a bright little star, who likes watching Lilo & Stitch w/ Aunt April) Zackery (my nephew, who is the sly little guy, always stealing chocolate when Mommy & Daddy aren't looking)





Robin Trower's "About to Begin" (this song has magic in it and is my FAVORITE song and always will be)

Sammy Hagar's "I Can't Drive 55" (this song describes my driving habits as evidenced by my 91/65 ticket!)

CMB's "Wildflower" (this song describes me my struggles)

Sarah McLachlan's "Elsewhere"

Portishead's "Roads" and "Glory Box"

ZZ Top's "Rough Boy"


Recent Favorites:

Avril Lavigne's "Keep Holding On"

Pink's "U + UR Hand"

Carrie Underwood, "Before He Cheats"

Justin Timberlake's "Rock Your Body"


To see a list of my CDs and tapes, click  here.


Rochester Institute of Technology

Rochester, NY                            Graduation 5/08

Degree: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Major:  Finance           Minor: Accounting

Areas of Emphasis: Corporate finance, project valuation, investing, cash flow analysis,

cost of capital, debt policy, financial forecasting, risk analysis, financial & data analysis

Notables: Dean’s List, high honors graduate, scholarship recipient

Organizations: Golden Key International Honour Society (by invitation only)

: Beta Gamma Sigma International Honour Society


MCC Logo

Monroe Community College

Rochester, NY                            Graduation 5/05

Degree:  Associate of Science in Business Administration

Major:  Business Administration

Notables: Dean’s List



