"I hope you're not 'eyeballing' me...".

"Be assured...

Who wants a chunky Kit-Kat???"

Good evening fellow travellers:

Date: 15th June 99

Roddy has re-emerged with an experiment in electronic music without commercial constraints or technological boundaries - Alloy Lantern.

I've also made a few updates to the Roddy homepage.

Future plans for this website

These should still happen, but it's been over a year now, so we may have to put them down to experience. I've got 2 computers at home now so there are less excuses though...

  • The UK's first mild appreciation page and bulletin board (at least as far as I know?
  • A guide to selected Indian restaurants in the UK from the perspective of "I'd like a side dish of extra chillies, please."
  • The Tin Apes: a retrospective.
  • the Wilson House home studio: What are we trying to do? Will we ever do it?
  • Barney: Evil personified, or a wrongly maligned children's icon?
  • Flat Eric: Levi personified, or a great techno artist?

  • for further information contact Roddie by emailing him

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