Nick's One-Way Dead-End Street Of The Internet
Remind me to ask you how you got here later, alright? BRAILLE

Awards that I have recieved:

This is Nick Godbout's homepage, "Nick's One-Way Dead-End Street Of The Internet" , but to make life easier on my fingers, and your eyes, we'll just call it "N.O-W.D-E.S.O.T.I.". It brings me great joy to announce that I have recieved these awards for my wonderful page. I hope to recieve some more awards. I appreciate if any of you, my "viewers" would enter me in all awards possible. This page uses a little JavaScript and images galore. Due to lack of space my server allows, I cannot have this pagetotally written in braille, but if you would like, I have a True Type Font for Braille, RNIBBRL.TTF, that you can download. I got it from the RNIB homepage .



My 88-key Synthesizer Workstation From Peavey

A Lot Of JavaScript Links

A Client-Side Image-Map Of Music Artists, And Bands

A List Of Music CD's That I Own (Not CD-Roms)

A Way To Search Good Search-Engines Without Going Any Place Else

A Couple Of Scanned Images That I Drew

This Page Is NetScape Navigator Enhanced, Yes It Is Also Endorsed

Download the Most Recent Version Of NetScape Navigator

Your Page Could Be Here! Just E-Mail Me! (See Below)

Oliver Witte's Homepage

E-Mail Me, Please! Sends Suggestions, Additions, JS Links, Etc.

These Pages Hosted By Why Don't You Go Out And GEt Your Own Free HomePage!

I Support The Blue Ribbon Campaign!


Luckily for my viewers that have browsers that don't support JavaScript, this page uses a considerably low amount of JavaScript, but I am a big fan of JavaScript. I am on one JavaScript Mailing List, located at To subscribe, send an e-mail to with the message, 'SUBSCRIBE', in it that's all, nothing else needed (I hope). If it doesn't work, send an e-mail to the same address with the message, 'HELP'. I also have many JS links. I am working on a fully JavaScript run site for my JS lover viewers, Come back in a month or two


Images, I just love images. My favorite images are gif89a images, because you can make them transparent, or animated, I just love 'em. My favorite types are the animated ones, because you can tell a story with them. For example, to the right of this paragraph you will see an animated image, it tells the story of someone eating a hamburger, by the way, I made that image, so if you see that image on anybody else's page, please tell me, because they stole it, but since you are reading this page, you can take it for free. I know, I know, you probably don't want it, but just think, if you suddenly got hungry at your own web page, you can just eat the burger!

Animated Burger

I also love counters, this just happens to be mine, to the right, as you can see people have visited my page, I bet you think that's wild, fake, and incorrect, and yoiu people that think that, are absolutely correct, I started it at 55, because 5 is my favorite number, and orange has been my favorite color, and all you pool players out there, like me, will notice taht the 5-ball in pool is orange, "He Planned it" you may be thinking, but that was a tottal freak accident that I think is cool.

please view.

I you want to create animated images, transparent images, change images, and a whole lot more than that, I suggest you go to VRL's Imaging Machine. It splices, it dices, it makes a jillion fries! Yes, it is the one, the only (I think) VRL's Imaging Machine! Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap.


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