The Anloague's

This is Me about 10 years ago, in my Prime, and looking mighty fine!

I was in Honolulu, HI. last year, I plan on going back Halloween 2009, Big Party!

Everyone says, this picture shows the real me. I took this July 4th, 2009

Here's my son, Paul "Jordan" Anloague, we call him Jordan, he's 18.
This is an old picture, I'll try to get a more recent soon.

My girlfriend, Rosie, She likes BINGO, Atlantic City, and dancing.

Tell Bradley I saw Sponge Bob at the Mall, so I took a picture of him.

This is Jordan's dog Buddy. He's a Miniature Schnauzer.
I just finished grooming him.

Kuya Joe, and his wife Terry. Yes that is a barbed wire tattoo on his face. Long story.

Joe's kids Brooke (#1), Joshua (#3), Wendy (#2), I don't know there ages,
but I believe Joshua is maybe 20-21 years old.

Joe's youngest is Tawnie (#4), in a Halloween outfit trying to
be Goth or a Emo, or something.

Our youngest Sister Donna with Kuya Joe.

Sister Shari

My bestfriend Jimmy, Sister Shari, and Sister Donna. (Jimmy is Shari's Boyfriend)

Shari and her boyfriend Jimmy. I dont have any picture of Shari two
children, Jacob and Kimberly yet.

This is our youngest sister Donna

Donna with her oldest daughter Sara, Sara's about 19-20 years old.

Donna's second kid, Matthew, he does some modeling

Donna's youngest Samuel (Sammy)

Sammy being cool, Notice the pictures in the background, Their Dad is a
Tattoo artist, he did Joe's face Tattoo, and my tattoo too.

This is one of Matt's photoshoot.