july 29, 1999, 5:44 am


no, we never recorded those few weeks ago. why? because we never get around to it! because brad finds other things to do, because scott always has other stuff to do, because i always get up so god damned late during the summer. will we record before i leave for arizona? probably, maybe, sure. but in the meantime recording precidence is seeming to lean towards the ostriches. check em out, it's rock america usa 1999 baby, with a piano. fun. and then, of course, the big shots operation puppet show are gonna record. octopoop is just kind of a old thing. but you wouldn't guess it from this email i sent to eric "nipple ring" henning after our halloween 1998 show. check it:

"so we get up there and i'm like "we're here for two reasons: to look good (we all had matching navy uniforms on!) and to kick ass, and i think the first thing is taken care of, so now for the ass kicking!

and the crowd was about 20 drunk-off-their-ass 40 and 50 year olds, no joke. just being obnoxious and loud and yelling at everything. so we fucking play rock and roll regis and extend it to aboout 5 minutes with solos. that was good. but then during breakdancing monkey brad fucks everything up and does so shitty it's not even funny; losing his place, just kinda coming in at weird times, so after that song he was so pissed and embarasses that he pushed his drumset over and it makes a really loud noise and i'm laughing so hard and he takes his cymbal and starts beating them on the ground and the crowd is going nuts, half the them all "what are they doing?" and half "you suck!" and half "this is incredible!" (no matter how they can total 150%.)

so then i'm like "okay, brad seemed to have thrown a little tantrum, we're gonna play two more songs and call it quits" cause like, he had broken half his drums. (we would finish them all off at the end..)

so like, we play surfin' regis, this surfing song, and that goes well. so we say, fuck it, and we straight into oxygen, which is like, our punk song. we ended with it at alpine. and i start getting real crazy and loud and screaming words like "can you feel that? that's SATAN, MOTHERFUCKKKERRRRSSSS!" really really really loud into this drunk 50 year old crowd, it was great. so then you know, the finale to oxygen, i get on brad's bass drum but instead of jumping off and landing on my feet like i planned to do, scott leaned back and kinda knocked me off balance and i fell back into brad, putting my foot through the fucking snare, ripping off the upper portion of the hihat, bending the stands to three things, knocking brad's head against the wall, fucking just demolishing his entire set.

so like, i get up, kinda injured, screaming, and i struggle for the microphone, and i grab it, and i go "ROCK AND ROLL!!!!" and i'm expecing the audience to laugh super hard and go hell yeah and applaud, but they're all just fucking staring at me in awe, jaws dropped, drunk, fearing what they dont know.

honest, destructive rock and roll pandemonium. this is octopoop."

karl a. lintvedt
pride of his grandparents and a rock and roll vet'ran

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