"There's a higher vibe movin' along, within and without you"

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A salute to you people out there in the Web of the World! For those of you who have been waiting to see what Soul Tribe is all about, wait no longer my friends; this site is almost up-and-groovin'! The page your eyes are now glued to is the first of more to come. Before long, there will be sound files for you to eagerly dig into...

SOUL TRIBE evolved out of the Kootenays in 1992. Using Nelson, BC as a spring board to launch from, they methodically established a circuit, touring extensively throughout BC and Alberta. Each member of Soul Tribe have their own unique musical influences and styles, which blend to form their infectiously funky concoction that is designed to "plant the groove in your shoes!" The way they play their gigs can only be described as the following:

"Waging guerrilla funk warfare and leaving sweaty exhausted bodies to tell the tale of a tempest like sonic bombardment ."

The extended "Soul Tribe Family" is growing, and this site may prove that the population of funksters will sprout. Soul Tribe is a completely independent band. This meaning no manager, no record label, no agent, just the hard work of these guys as well as many other genorous people to lend a hand. So, if you would like to extend your help (among other things), here's their address...

for more information and booking contact
Soul Tribe Music
Box 196, Nelson, BC
V1L 4E0

Chris Brown
Promotional Agent
(250) 352-8333
Alan Black
(250) 354-4117

E-mail to:nadnerb@geocities.com

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