Welcome to my Tori Amos site! |
This site is primarily dedicated to Tori, my mentor. |
Born: Myra Ellen Amos |
Date: August 22,1963 |
Thanks to her father's strict methodist upbringing and her grandmother's cherokee indian wisdom, Tori has a wonderful view of life and everything in it. She has seen all sides of the tracks and this experience and insight is shown in her music. |
I have recently started collecting Tori pictures. I don't have many....Some I have acquired from other sites, to whom I have linked below. Feel free to click Tori below to access my thumbnails. Please note that this page is still under very intense construction. I'm working on the link below, so please bare with me. This web design stuff is so touch and go!! Haha..and I'm not that good at it! |
As you can already tell, I am an avid fan. I began listening to Tori when I was a freshman in high school, 1990. I could be wrong with the year. It was when Little Earthquakes came out. Boy did that change my life!! Tori has such a way with words, I'd like to share a few of my favorite quotes with you. |
"When i was little I got into big trouble for wondering if Jesus had a |
thing going with Mary Magdelene." |
"I used to get really pissed off that my life was so dictated by when |
this Jesus guy was born and when he was dying every year." |
"When you've been publicly humiliated, you're not even a cool cartoon |
character any more, you're a cartoon caracter that they're erasing...and |
they have the power to erase you." |
"I've found more viciosness from women than from men, because men aren't |
really vicious. Theycan be ignorant and insensitive, and they sometimes |
lose control, but this sisterhood concept that i wanted to look at while |
i was growing up never materialised. And the older i've got the colder |
the water that's been poured on my head." |
"I'm known as the girl who has tea with the devil" |
"If you're divided then you're in continuous torment, because you never |
allow yourself to fully experience anything." |
"So you can make me cum, that doesn't make you Jesus." |
Info on the new cd Scarlet's Walk |
Visit one of these links below to get the latest!!! |
About Me!! |
I have another page dedicated to myself, I guess you could say. It has kind of a strange theme. I've compiled a little bit of everything that interests me. Also, there are pictures of me and my family. Click the the ball below to go to my page. |
My Personal RAINN Story |
Everyone has there little story, and I'm sure you don't want to hear about mine. I'm going to tell you anyway and you can choose for yourself whether you want to read this or not. I've, lets say, been in compromising situations myself. However, I choose not to go into great detail because I feel it is private. I do want to say though, that I have so much respect for the women who take action agains their violators. Exploiting the violator isn't always easy. In the long run, you end up exploiting yourself as well. I know because I've been there. RAINN is a wonderful organization. I know first hand. Please check out this site and support it. Email me anytime!! |