Manowar Megapage

Hail brothers, from all over the world !

If you're a Manowar fan, welcome to my Home Page !
Wimps and posers leave now !!! I'm sick and tired of shitty people who say Manowar is crap and stuff like that, in two words, what i have to say to these "people" is Fuck Off
This page was made for the real fans, so i don't care if the counter is in 100 or 1000, i hope i've enlightened some shitty minds...

If you want to be contacted by other Manowar fans to trade stuff, or whatever you'd like, please join the list of true warriors of metal ! If you already done this, please view the page by clicking on the Brothers of Metal logo to find out who the real fans are .

New album

Louder Than Hell

First of all, i'm sorry for the delay in the update, only now i've reached the 100th listening :-)
Well, so finally we have it, was it worth the (long) wait ? Are Manowar still the same (best) ? The answer to these questions is a big YES, never was a doubt about Manowar's commitment to their fans, and this album proves it ! To those who don't know it, Manowar organized an enquiry to the Army of Immortals members to know what songs we liked best, and this album was made with that knowlage, and it shows !
I don't know yet if this is Manowar's best so far, but it's certainlly one of the best, it contains something for every kind of fan, ballads, power hymns, fast ones, everything that makes the band so great is there, so let's take a look at the songs one by one...

Return of the Warlord - This one opens up the album and it's the first single, this song has a similar feel to Warlord on Into the Glory Ride, it's a biker anthem in it's own right, the solo is amazing and it let's us know right from the beginning that Karl Logan is a excellent guitar-player .
Favourite part of the Lyrics "Losers try to put us down, it's just another day"
Rating 1-10 - 9
Brothers of Metal - My favourite song in this album, if you don't like this one you don't like Manowar, this is what this band is all about ! A mighty power hymn by the mightiest band on earth, the chorus is simply phenomenal, i just can't believe that this song is 16 years old, this was on Manowar's demo tapes !!! One of the best Manowar songs ever !
FPOTL : "Brothers of metal, will always be there, standing together with hands in the air"
Rating - 10
The Gods made Heavy Metal - Another metal anthem, the lyrics are just about perfect like we like them, this one also is one of my all-time favourite Manowar songs, the riffs hold on so well together, it's unbelieveable ! Here we understand why the name of the album is Louder Than Hell ! Play this song at the max and let yourself go with the black wind ! Karl shows again his full talent in this song's solo !
FPOTL : "They have chosen us, and we have heard the call" - it shows :-)
Rating - 9,5
Courage - Beautiful, phenomenal, breath-taking, in other words a Manowar ballad like i love them, i was expecting a lot from this song, and as with everything in this album i wasn't disappointed, it's just so great, only this band could have come up with a song like this, starting with a piano intro it then blasts off to a full-string orchestrated moment of pure wonderfullness, awesome !!
FPOTL : "Battles are fought by those with the Courage to believe" - who doesn't after hearing this song ?
Rating - 10
Number 1 - Well, the title says it all, Manowar are Nš 1 and will always be as long as they play music with this intensity. A great chorus and another amazing guitar solo by the new guitar god ! This is going to be the second single.
FPOTL : "We come to win, that is why we are here"
Rating : 7
Outlaw - In a similar feel to Rise of the Dragon, it's equally fast, another great chorus, it will sound even better live, this is dedicated to us, Manowar Immortals !
FPOTL : "I live for the fight, the thrill of the kill"
Rating : 6,5
King - I think Manowar tried to make another Hail and Kill with this one, they didn't suceed but came close, it starts with a beautiful piano intro wich leads us to the main song, after the solo there's another slow bit with Eric singing along with the guitar, awesome in it's execution !
FPOTL : "All of the dreams held deep inside have a meaning to the soul"
Rating : 8
Today is a good day to die / My spirit lives on - Wow, i always liked Joey's intrumentals, but this one took me by surprise, it's a simphony in it's own right, Karls work has to be heard to be believed, Joey cracks you open with his bass, in the transition from one part to another they create a ethereal ambient wich drags you even more into the music, awesome !
Rating : 8,5
The Power - What a way to end a great album, they have always saved a great song for last and in this one, that was no exception, another one of my favourites, very fast, excellent lyrics, Eric's voice bursting open the speakers, this is True Manowar, death to false metal !!!
FPOTL : "Greater than the power of a priest or a sinner"
Rating : 10

So there you have it, i hope i've enlightened you to my view on Louder Than Hell, i'm sure you won't agree with everything i've said, so please e-mail me sending your comments on this review and in the album itself...

My description of Manowar

Just what makes Manowar so great ? A question not easily answered by some, and the answer not easily understood by others, let me share you with my view...
To my knowlage one of the most hated things by anyone is someone telling them that their favourite band is crap, or that it's not as good as the next person's, but with Manowar it's somehow different, when somebody tells me that Manowar is crap ( and they do ), i fight back, of course, but with the inner strengh and belief that what they're saying is not true, i think that's the biggest advantage and strenght of Manowar, we the fans, i guess every fan will know this, but when we see a "brother", it's almost like a real brother, we magically become friends in that instant, i don't think a Cranberries fan can claim that ! In their songs Manowar have mentioned this as a religion, and believe me, it's not that far from the truth, our dedication is unparalled in the music scene, we are truly the Brothers of Metal !
The music, the melodies they make are simply devastating, in the good sense of course, it's Raw Power, i mean, i've heard Death Metal, Trash, Grunge, Black Metal, but nothing can compare to the power in Manowar's songs, and the best thing about it is that as we hear it, it doesn't make us want to destroy things or something like that, it gives us strenght to chalenge our day-to-day problems, like this : "For any day that stings, two better days it brings - Master of the Wind", this is what i'm talking about...
Live, they're simply Gods, to the real fans it becomes allmost a ritual, like some magazines have stated, there's interaction, there's excitement, there's magic in the air, it's truly Black Wind in our ears, Joey De Maio, a 30 + year old man, i believe, has to be seen to be believed, he moves and talks like a teenager, you can really see that the man is in paradise on-stage, to many fans he is Manowar, and i'm one of them...
"Well, that's it, now off to bed with you" ;-)
If you liked this page please visit also The Official Manowar Homepage , and the Dutch Defenders of Steel Page wich also cointains a great amount of information about the band. Dawn is also a big Manowar fan like me. And don't forget the Austrian Unofficial Manowar page a great professional-looking page, by another great Manowar fan.

To find out more about me click here or at "my picture" below :)

My sense at humour at work :-)

Copyright © 1996 Manowarrior - Portugal
Most recent revision Monday, 27, November, 1996
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