The Complete 70's Rock Page

you are groover #since7-29

For Pure classic rock, you've come to the right place

Hey dudes, how's it groovin. This page will give you all sorts of information on classic rock. The following are some band's this page will be featuring.

Police, Led Zeppelin The Steve Miller Band,

Black Sabbath, Prince, Lynard Skynard ,

Jimi Hendrix, Jefferson Airplane,David Bowie,

And More!

Oh, And By the way, I thought it looked cool for the band names to change color when you click on them and, this page is special. So if you click on them expecting to go Somewhere, YOU'RE WRONG.
The Rest of The Bands Will Be Moving In Soon Withe Pictures And Other Cool Stuff, So Check Back Later.

Led Zeppelin

Led Zeppelin Members: John Paul Jones, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Bonham Personal favorite album-2 Copywrite 1969 All albums- 1,2,3,4,Houses of the Holy, In Through the Out Door, Presence, Physical Graffiti, The Song Remains the Same, & Coda Span-1969-1976 Current position- Jimmy Page & Robert Plant are currently doing albums together. Best movie-Song Remains the Same
Black Sabbath
The Members: Ozzy Osbourne, Tony Lommi, Tony Butler &, Bill Ward Personal favorite album-Sabatoge All albums- Black Sabbath, paranoid, Master of Reality, Vol.4, Sabbath, Bloody Sabbath, Sabotage, & Never Say Die Span-1969-1979 Current position- Ozzy Osbourne is doing solo albums and the rest of the band is still playing with a new singer but they are not what they use to be.
The Police
Personal favorite album-Oulandus D'more Current position- Sting has gone solo and is in the current stage of hairloss
David Bowie
Personal Favorite Album-ChangesBowie Best movie-Man who fell to earth
