Welcome to the

Official #Celine home page

This page is dedicated to the people who are often found in the #Celine (for Celine Dion) channel on the DALnet IRC network. If you have any question about the channel, ask any operator in the channel (a "@" sign precedes their nick).

So far, those have placed their pictures and a self-description of themselves:

NicknameReal Name
BarryBarry Po
BeaugarteSylvain Beauregard
eyevetMichael Zigler
harburHarry Frank Burton
JadisAmie Babineau
JennifJennifer Nightingale
LavrKenneth Jahn Lavrsen
LePacmanStéphane Paquette
PagnyFAnthony Lee
SittelleDiane Chayer

Name: Barry A. Po (alias Barry)
Age: 16
Residency: Richmond, British Columbia, Canada
Occupation: Student
Hi there! My name's Barry, and you'll find me on channel #Celine with the same name. :-) I'm sixteen years of age and currently reside in Richmond, British Columbia, Canada as a senior year student at Vancouver College, a local high school. Despite my age, I'm about as big a fan of Céline as you'll find anywhere! I suppose it all started a few years back when I heard her sing Beauty and the Beast with Peabo Bryson. I didn't think much of it at first, but strangely enough, I kept on hearing her name... and voice. And, I suppose it just worked its way from there. As it stands, my favorite English song is without a doubt, It's All Coming Back To Me Now. Choosing a favorite French song tends to be more difficult, simply because they're all so beautiful! Still, Pour que tu m'aimes encore and Je sais pas stand out in my mind.

Name:Sylvain Beauregard (alias Beaugarte)
Birth date: March 28th, 1968 (Yes!, 2 days before Celine!)
Living in: Quebec City, Canada
Occupation: Student in Computer Science
Web site Passion Celine Dion: in America and in France
Many of you know me already or at least my work... As the title of my web site suggests, I have some Passion for Celine Dion, but for Star Trek as well. I prefer the second series (The Next Generation) but I really don't like the initial series (with Captain Kirk). I LOVE computing, especially surfing on the net. To be back on Celine matters, as every quebecers, I began following Celine's career some 15 years ago... But I began looking seriously at her, since the may 1st 1993. On that day, I heard for the first time Water From The Moon, my all time favorite song in English. That song is on the self-titled album, one of my favorite. In French, of course my favorite album is D'Eux/The French Album, and my favorite song in French is Pour que tu m'aimes encore.

Name: Michael Zigler (alias eyevet)
Residence: Toronto, Ontario
Occupation: Veterinarian
Birthdate: April 13, 1952
I am webmaster of the
alt.music.céline-dion Home Page. Come and visit!
I first saw Céline on TV in July, 1989 on the video of "Can't Live With You, Can't Live Without You". If I squinted a bit (and used my imagination) she looked a lot like a woman who had broken my heart the year before. I bought the Billy Newton Davis Album only to hear Céline sing that song, and shortly thereafter bought Incognito. In December 1989 I saw Céline on the Sixty Five Roses TV special, and I was hooked..... she was wonderful!. In March 1990, Unison came out, and in June 1990 I saw Céline perform at Ontario Place. For an unexplained reason, that evening after the concert I drove past my ex-girlfriend's house. Four days later, amazingly, my ex phoned me. We met, started dating again, and on November 18, 1990 we were married. At our wedding I said to my bride: "Then one touch overcomes the silence, Love still survives, Two hearts needing one another, Give me wings to fly."
I have seen Céline in concert 6 times: at Ontario Place Forum; the Winter Garden; Exhibition Stadium (with Peabo Bryson); Hamilton Place; O'Keefe Centre and the Molson Amphitheatre.
My favorite songs change by the day but right now my favorite english songs are To Love You More, Natural Woman, I Love You, Because You Loved Me, and Send Me A Lover. My favorite French Songs are Partout je te vois, L'amour existe encore and Vole.

Name: Harry Frank Burton (alias harbur)
Location: New York City, New York, USA
Birthday: September 6
Céline History: The first time I remember hearing Céline's voice was when I watched the 1988 Eurovision song contest, where she performed Ne partez pas sans moi. I bought the single the next week. :) My next purchase was the Unison album two and a half years later. Surprised to find this record in English in the record store, I thought to myself "Is this the *same* Céline Dion who sang Ne partez pas sans moi??" This was a couple of months before Where Does My Heart Beat Now started being played on the radio.... but by then I had fallen in love with Céline's voice... and her songs.
Favorite Céline albums & songs: As for any fan of hers, this is a very tough decision... All of Céline's songs have touched my life in different and very special ways.... Those that stand out especially are: Halfway To Heaven, Des mots qui sonnent, Only One Road, Call The Man, Pour que tu m'aimes encore, Oxygène, If You Asked Me To, Just Walk Away, Quelqu'un que j'aime, quelqu'un qui m'aime, Cherche encore & Quand on n'a que l'amour.

Name: Amie Babineau (a.k.a. Jadis)
Residence: Phoenix, Arizona USA
Date of Birth: October 9, 1973

Although I haven't really considered myself a fan of Celine Dion until recently, I've always loved her music, and can still remember exactly when, several years ago, I first heard her voice. Spending time on #celine has only served to heighten my enthusiasm for her music. The channel is like a family, and I'm learning about so many different things from everyone there!

The reason I love Celine's music is that even during this time when "little girl" voices are the popular thing, shallow lyrics sell, and adult women wear knee socks, pigtails and Mary Jane shoes, Celine looks like a real woman, sings mature songs, and has the only voice in the world that even COULD sing the music that she does, let alone do it so flawlessly.

By the way, the little girl in the picture is not my daughter - she's Taylor, the older of my two little sisters. She and BrookLynn are my favorite subjects...besides Celine!

Jennifer Nightingale (alias Jennif)
"What I would like to say about Celine is not how or when I first heard her sing or what my favorite song or album of hers is....but how she makes a difference in my life. Her voice is a powerful thing, it can change a mood, set a situation or bring the world together for 4 minutes. Through the magic of Celine (and the internet) I have met many friendly and generous people, and we share in the joys of Celine's music. So through Celine I have made many friends and have a broader sense of who I am and where I fit in the world. It is the power of the dream..." Jennifer Nightingale, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Age 26.

Name: Kenneth Jahn Lavrsen (alias Lavr)
Birth date: May 10th, 1965
Residence: Copenhagen, Denmark
Occupation: Electrical engineer
Web site: http://inet.uni-c.dk/~kjl with life story and my Céline Dion collection.
It think I heard Céline Dion on the radio with The Power Of Love and Think Twice back in 1994. I fell in love with her beautiful voice and I bought the CD The Colour Of My Love. End of 1995 I had maybe 5 CDs. In November 95 I saw Céline in Copenhagen. I was sold. I decided that this would not be the last time I saw her in concert. I also decided that I wanted everything she had ever recorded. Through friends on the Internet I got most of her early albums. Today I have hundreds of her CDs and records in my collection. In May/June 96 I was on vacation in Canada (British Columbia and Quebec). I saw Céline Dion in concert three times. Then there was Copenhagen October 96. In December 96 I went back to Montréal to see Céline Dion again three times and this was where I met the love of my life, Diane Chayer (Sittelle). Diane accepted my proposal in April and May the 3rd 1997 is our wedding day. Céline has really changed my life and I will forever be thankful to the friends I have in Quebec (especially Sylvain). Without your kind help, all this would never have happened. I don't really have any favorite Céline songs, but Seduces Me will forever have a special meaning to me and Diane.

Name: Stéphane Paquette (alias LePacman)
Date of Birth: 25 December 1970 (Yes, a Christmas baby)
Residence: Vancouver, BC, Canada
I only have a few pictures of myself because I usually send them to my family in Ottawa. But I was able to find this one, which was taken last year at our Canada Day party (drinking beer, of course). I don't have the beard anymore, but enough about me, let's talk about Celine... I started being a Celine fan when Unison came out. I was so surprised when she released an English album, that I ran out and bought it right away. My favorite songs were "If love is out the question" and "Unison". I love dancing to Unison (not the album version, but the dance/remix version), well, I love dancing to anything really... Her voice just keeps on improving, album after album. I thought she reached her peak with the album "The colour of my love". But I was wrong, her latest work is a masterpiece. And seeing her in concert was... orgasmic. She is truly one of a kind.

My favorite albums are D'eux and Falling Into You. My favorite songs are It's all coming back to me now and Le ballet.

Anthony Lee (alias PagnyF)
I remember the first time I heard Where does my heart beat now on the radio during my senior year at UC Berkeley in 1990. I said to myself, "I have to go and find this album tomorrow." And I did. I also found that Celine recorded many albums in french prior to Unison. Actually, it was Celine who brought back my interest in francophone music. After a few years of searching, I have almost completed my collection of all french-language recordings that Celine ever released. I finally got the chance to see Celine in concert in 1994 in San Francisco at the Palace of Fine Arts. I still remember her powerful performance of L'amour existe encore. Currently, I'm working as a system administrator for a credit union in Berkeley, California. And for those who don't know that I'm also a musician, now you do! I'm recording one of Celine's best ballads for my debut album -- Just walk away. Visit my web page dedicated to Celine at http://www.sirius.com/~alee/d/dion.htm. Or if you are interested in french music, check out my French Music Database (http://www.sirius.com/~alee/fmusic.html). And by the way, if you care to know how old I am, just subtract 15 days from Celine's birthday! :-)

Diane Chayer (alias Sittelle)

I'm Sittelle, the cute little bird that you find in the forests of Quebec. Behind me, there's Diane, who lives in the Montreal region. She's 10 years older than Celine and she works as a market research advisor. She loves birds ;).

Although Diane has always known Celine, she began to like her in 1990 with the album Unison.

She isn't much of a collector... for example, she recently bought Incognito, only because I insisted ;). On the other hand, she is a concert freak: she's attended twenty of Celine's concerts! :) I guess almost everyone knows that she won a trip to Paris in 1994 to see Celine at Olympia! Her favorite songs are Seduces Me, Water From The Moon, Just Walk Away, L'amour existe encore, and Je sais pas.

Her interest for Celine and for the Internet made Diane meet with the most wonderful man, Kenneth Jahn Lavrsen (http://inet.uni-c.dk/~kjl). Of course, she was impressed with his collection ;), but it's the man himself who impressed her the most :). So, Diane and Kenneth are getting married on May 3rd 1997 :). The least we can say is that Celine changed her life ;).

Last Updated: April 19, 1997.