Welcome to:
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'st to take the risc of entering my page... ;-)
Welcome to my homepage... :) On these pages you will find links to all sorts of weird and cool sites
on the Web... This is my first real homepage on the Web, so be patient if there are some bugs
(there might be...). Below you'll find a list of the contents on this site... Please notice that The Satanism
page and the deathmetalpage is the same. And the pages About me and the Nolinks-page are still not
uploaded. I'm still having problems with the updated pages, so you'll
have to wait a couple of days more to see them... Anyway... Enjoy your stay! :-)
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to visit my page since september 11th '96... This one's REAL... :-)
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These pages are created and maintained by Mikael Møgelvang.
This page was last messed around with on november 12th 1996...
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