
Welcome to queen Ugly's domain. I am the Queen of Ugliness and I rule all of Uglania. My court consists of such members as Princess Putrid, Prince Grotesque, Duchess Dowdy, Princess Perversion, Princess Puke,Princess Putrid, The Duke of Disgusting Deformities, King Ugly and many more. If you are interested in becoming a member of my royal court, please contact me. I am sure you are all wondering what the Queen looks like. You are all saying "is she truly as grotesque as the folklore rumours say?" Well, to answer your question, yes. Small children run in fear of me, the village peasants tell tales of me and men turn to ice when they look upon me. I am just over four feet tall (when I wear high heels), I'm ten pounds short of three hundred. I have a large protrusion on my back which is also known as a hump. I would tell you about my hair, but I have none. One of my eyes is blue with a purple tint due to a lengthy infection and the other is suffering from a permanent wound (aka I don't have one due to an accident involving lawn rakes). I have a large festering wound on my neck and my upper body is completely covered in hair. I might also add that my body odour is quite offensive. It is my duty as Queen to rule over the people of my land and insure that no beauty resides here. The landscape of Uglania consists of concrete, cactuses and DEW WORMS galore. We also have a large locust and earwig infestation problem. If you are interested in buying a home in Uglania you must first contact our Survey board, after which you shall undergo a sereis of tests to see if you fit Uglania's criteria (note:if you are in the modelling business you have no chance of becoming a member of our community). Then you may choose from one of our many homes which are available, I suggest our Cobweb Model which comes complete with skunks and small rodents as well as orange shag carpeting. Thank-you for visiting the Uglania home page and please visit a few of my favourite links.

Links to other sites on the Web

you'll laugh, maybe

if you find any sites that may catch my attention or mention anything regarding grotesque ugliness,please contact me immediately

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