"can't you see
it's not me you're dyin for
and now she's feelin more alone
than she ever has before"

ben folds five, "brick"

ever pc & pusillanimous:
heart of my heart, pain of my pain

last update: january 21, 2005

some supposed effervescence contradicts itself again
and bleeds forever within the reach
of the ultimate truth for which it so searches
(days wasted, down time, a beautiful revelation - the end all).
and its fingertips finally grasp the unfathomable (yet realized)
foundation upon which to build its mysteries and opinions,

and it cries in the lap of the god for whom it has waited so long.

a deep and significant personal expression of the utmost beauty
(updated 7/16/01)

worthwhile causes

(updated 7/23/01)

boy troubles
(updated 1/21/05)

shadow ballads
(updated 11/22/04)

(updated 01/21/05)

i love you for hating me

how could you leave me when i needed to
possess you i hated you
i loved you too
kate bush, "wuthering heights"


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