Hello one and all and welcome to my utterly unamazing web page. God only knows
how you managed to find your way here on the information b-road (after all this
is a dead end) by since you're here, you might as well stay and laugh out loud
at my useless computer skills, as I single handedly pick up the 1st prize for
'Worst Web Page' of the year. I am and this is
my world....Right well the first thing to say is that I am amazed that this WWW
page is turning out so well, it kinda freaks me out when I realise that all this
can be accessed by all you lucky people out there. Shown below are various
links that I am in some way connected to : I'm a member of the Scottish
National Party, I adore bis, I used to go to Shawlands Academy, and I'm doing
Politics as part of my university course. If you think I should add a
particular link email me! Hit the link down below to do so. Also email me if
you have any questions or things to slag me off about, (most likely to be the
latter)... I think I should annoy you all with a crappy wee biography of
myself for you to read as you bash you head off the monitor in frustration
at the waste of bandwidth and disk space that this page is. Hee Hee!
Stay glued to your monitor for further developments on this web page.
Links to other sites on the Web
SNP Home Pages
Jen Maston's bis home pages
Scottish Politics Pages
My former school's web pages
My university's web pages
How do you keep an idiot amused for hours on end? (click here for the answer)
© 1996 ua6jm@abdn.ac.uk