!UPDATE! Excuse me everyone, I am back, and I just finished a new mix cd, and it is my own personal flava, in dance and hip hop music. They will be up soon available on this page. Everything will be also changing on this page too! WIll be Food Stamp Music soon, and will be CRAZY!! New image will be up soon!
The search engine was repaired on the 5th of August. The search engine database was also updated, and it is now easier to search for your favorite MIDI, searching for the Artist, Song, or Genre. More and more is coming, and soon you will have MIDI's up the wazoo! Flava will not be loaded with all these bad MIDI files, but packed with good sounding MIDI, and new popular music. Flava will make it sound good for you. This will be the largest MIDI Gallery site on Geocities. The site will feature loads, but what comes to mind is the MIDI of the week, and interaction with the viewers. And the more ideas that come to hand, the more that will be processed. My time is dedicated to the site, and to making this a landmark on the Geocities community. That is our goal. We want to show Geocities, that it doesn't have to be packed with Java or shockwave to be a landmark site. More than to have a clean layout, info you need, and brings the viewers what you promise. All we ask the viewers to do is to vote for us, so we get more viewers so we can expand more. The more viewers we got the more we can bring to you. Viewers is what were for, we are all what we say, you better believe it!