to my web page

These are the only pictures I have for now. Both are kinda old, but there will be new ones soon. Now for some reason these pics display fine in IE, but don't show in Netscape.


I'm back and ready to make this page better than ever, so hold on to your mouse. It may take a while with my time split between two jobs. We'll see what we can do though.

Ok so for the updates. I no longer work for the evil company known as Di-Chem(may they rot). Now I am currently employed with the Harrisburg School District. I am a PC Support Specialist. Sounds pretty niffty huh? Looks like that Computer Learning Network class is begining to pay off. Oh yes and I am now engaged to a lovely woman named Shawna McGarvey. Maybe I can coax her into letting me put a couple nice pics of her up here. She's a bit shy ya know.

Well I guess that's all  the time I have to devote today. To all of you out there you have taken time to drop in I would like to  say thanks. I would also like to give a big HELLO to all my fellow IS staff down at HBGSD. Also any of you former Computer Learning Network people send me an email and say hello wildpumpkin@geocities.com

Here's the links to the rest of the pages on my site
Cool links
My bad poetry