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Welcome to my webpage Smells Like Teen Spirit. As is probably obvious from the look of it, it has not been maintained since it was built in 1996. You will probably not find much content on this page. Once I am finished with my finals, I just might come back to it. Please note that this is the only page that has been changed in 5 years. Several of the email links on the other pages may not, in fact, work anymore. If you wish to email me, please use the links on this page. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions do not hesitate to email me.

Parts of the IncaKing's Page

NIRVANA's Albums

Stuff about Kurt

General Stuff about NIRVANA

NIRVANA Quize(not working so well right now)


NIRVANA Pictures!!

NIRVANA Contest(also not working right now)

In Loving Memory of Kurt(things considering his death)

Link to me or get my card


The "NIRVANA" book

This page was created by James Ashley Morrison, the IncaKing

Email the IncaKing .

An IncaKing Production