This Site is Netscape intended,
there's nothing enhanced about it. It's just intended

Greetings my stinky bipedal friend. You have journeyed far and havediscovered Cowdoodle's Den of Mystery. Contratulations, few have survivedthe perilous perils which must be navigated to reach this lonely edifice.For your fortitude you will recieve a gold star. Now that you have seenthe den of mystery I recommend you turn back, lest its wicked allure suckyou in. But... if'n you think you've got the chuztpah so many others havelacked I invite you to set foot inside. Cowdoodles is not responsible forany bodily injury or property damage incured during a visit to his denof mystery... enter at your own risk. Also, this website is voulentarilyrated NC-2 and is recommended for immature audiences only. Inside the Denof Mystery there is a chicken who mentions fecal matter persons offendedby fecal matter should not enter. Do not enter the Den of Mystery if youare pregnant, suffering from back, neck, or femur injuries, suffering fromheart problems, suffering from heart ache, suffering under the chilly steeltoed boot of opression, have high blood pressure, have no blood pressure,are anemic, bulemic, anorexic, or dyslexic, if you liked waterworld, ifyou're taller than this line..., if you cannot read this, or if you've recently eaten. Cowdoodle'sdisavows any knowledge of who put the bomp in the bomp shoo bomp shoo bompand is not now, nor ever was a member of the donner party.
So little buckaroo, if you feel you're hominid enough to stand up to theterrors in store for you... be my guest and enter:

CoWdOoDlE'sDeN oF mYsTeRy

NO FRAMES! Navigate through the room registry.

(c) Tuesday, January 13, 1998 - 11:15:39 AM

this page is best viewed with your eyes, if you'd like a suggested resolution though... might i reccomend 1024X768 (just cuz that's how i view it). But it should look fine at any resolution. Just about all the original pictures in here were created with windows paintbrush (thank you microsoft) and converted with winjpg. I can't imagine what you could possibly do with this information... but there it is if you want it.

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