My friend Doug says: "THIS WEB SITE SCARED ME!!!!!!!! It is not
suitable for family viewing. Harold is most definitely one of a kind!" Thanks Doug, yer too kind! :)
A Huge Thank You to Cleveland Live for selecting this page as one of it's links for April 1997.
"Rarely has one man done so much with one web site. Harold Freshour's cooly named H!omepage, the Demolished Sanctuary, is one of the most impressive pages around dedicated to the local music scene. One of the growing number of geocities cyber-homesteaders, Harold not only provides an enormist list of Cleveland band and music publication lists - from the very underground to the very popular; from punk to classical, ska to blues, etc. - against a mod, black and white backdrop, he has compiled link lists of local radio staions, record labels and clubs. His radio links are especially stand-out; he's found some great historica pages out there dedicated to WIXY, WGAR, Mad Daddy and more. And while Harold's list of bands may be the perhaps the ultimate Cleveland compilation, there's even more reason to visit - he's put together a great Cleveland photo gallery. If music and Cleveland aren't enough for you, Harold's pages dedicated to "Incredibly Strange" music and film should hold your attention, as should his flashy, splashy, hipster look (complete with a Ghoulardi pic). Bored with the web? Head for Demolished Sanctuary and expand your horizons."
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