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EVERYONE READ THIS:Send all your e-mail to me at:I've been way busy lately so I haven't had alot of time to work on this,cheak e-mail ect.So don't e-mail me enless you want me to answer a N'Sync question.Speaking of which I'm going to make a Q&A part to this site so watch for it.

The permiere of "Thinking about you" will air on March 15 on TRL @3:30pm eastern time.

N'Sync's newest cd will be released in Sep and They'er newets vidoe is being shoot in NY.

Check out the latest issue of YM to see how you can win a Valentine's Day dinner date with N'Sync.

Be sure to catch N'Sync counting down their fav videos on MTV January 9th,as well as their episod of "Loveline" in early Feb.

N'Sync's next cd is said to be released in Aug.

It has been rumored that N'Sync will be back in O-Town in feb. to recored their next US album,They are supposed to go to Asia too.

This is just a rumor but JC periced his eyebrow!I have one thing to say about that doesn't he hate neddles.

N'sync has gone platinum for a third time!!!

Did you know when N'Sync comes out with their christmas video,Gray Coleman will be in it?Yes thats right the guy from Different Strokes is going to be in the video.Also Jc wrote the song for the video.The song is called "Merry Christmas,Happy holidays".

I found this girl who says shes Justin's cousin.I have her e-mail addy.If you want it you have to e-mail me.And pleaseee don't bug her all the time about the guys from N'Sync or Justin.


Hey poeple Michelle here wuzz up.I hate to report rumors,but heres one thats been buging me for awhile.Justin has a girlfriend.Yes that right he does.That Veronica Finn girl from that band that Justin's mom owns.Now I don't know how long he's been dating her if at all.There is one thing that you should keep in mind if he is dating her it might not last very long.I know what your thinking :why would he say he doesn't have a girlfriend if he does?Justin and Veronica both said they aren't dating.Anyway,I don't think it would sound very good if Justin (or any of the guys for that matter) would stand there and say:"Stop drooling over us because we aready have girlfriends,but please buy our cd we need the money".If they did that then most of the fans would stop buying they'er stuff.If you ask me any girl who would get the change to date Justin is very lucky and if Justin is happy being with the girl thats all that counts!If you have anything you want to say e-mail me at:lance74@hotmail.com.

E-mail From One Of My Viewers:Hi I'm webmaster of Innosense Online and the two are for a fact not going out.Their just best-friend and they grew up togther in Memphis,Tennesse.This came straight from Veronica's mouth.The rumor started that Justin was going out with a girl from a new up-coming group and people just asummed it was Veronica because the two know each other really well and she was in Innosense.It was never Veronica but someother girl from other group.I don't want to go into more details (oh why not.Everyones dieing to know who the girl is) but I just thought I should let you know.


E-mail From One Of My Viewers:I hear that Justin from n'sync is going out with someone named Valeri and that she's got blonde hair.My friend said he said it on ET so I don't know if it's true.



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a cute pic of Jc siting on santa's lap when he a kid.

Baby Joey and Santa!

This is just the cutist pic I've seen in a long time!The cute little puppie is licking Justin in his eye it's just so cute!

Ya all have been asking for more Justin and I most say this one steamed up my screen!

WOW!These guys are looking fine!

A very nice closeup of Justn!

purrrr Jc!

Mega drool!

I love this pic!

A very cute pic of Justin from the MMC!


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This is the artical on Justin everyone has been wanting to see.

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Tirzah's *N'Sync Dream World!
Hook, Line, NSYNCer

Did you sign the guestbook if didn't you better because I will check!=)

Come back soon!=)

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