Steve Kellett: Plus ca change.

Well, another year, 2004 eh?
Whither the endless Summers of my youth? Well actually, there weren't any, except for maybe 1976. I'm from Yorkshire tha' sis. We have August and Winter up there.
Anyhow, news in Kellet land? Well we now have a daughter. Ivy Jean, born 28/4/2003, and apart from that, nowt much. Still in Kuala Lumpur, still working for Fujitsu Malaysia, still accumulating guitars.


- Steve K. January 9th, 2004.

In a past life I went under the nom de plume of "Our Man In Hong Kong", under which I wrote some allegedly humorous drivel written for a PBM magazine called B.U.M. (Backstabbers United Monthly) which is run by a friend of mine in the UK.

The China files, being the story of a set of drunken misadventures I had in Humen, Guandong Province way back in 1996 can be found here.






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